Prologue part 4: Jay

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Jay whistled a tune as he walked down the path

As he nears the end of the path he can hear a heated discussion.

???: well what are we supposed to do?

???: well if anyone else comes we can ask them about it.

???: isn't that a little early to push that onto someone?

Well Jay was the "anyone else" they were looking for.

He was noticed immediately by the three pokemon in front of him, a torterra, a galarian-slowbro, and a corviknight.

The corviknight excitedly flew up to Jay.

???: hiya!

???: I'm Toshi, the ultimate taxi man

Jay: oh uh

Jay: I'm Jay the ultimate swimmer

Toshi: well Jay can you help us out here?

Toshi: we're in a bit of an argument and-

???: it's not an argument Toshi

???: you just don't understand the situation that we're in

Toshi: there's no situation Andrew

Jay: uhh what are you two arguing about?

Toshi: oh well Andrew over there thinks that we're in danger

Toshi gestured over to the torterra whom Jay assumed was Andrew

Andrew in response just sighed

Jay: well I'll see what I can do

Toshi: thanks Jay

Jay walks over to Andrew and the slowbro next to him

Jay: hey you're Andrew right?

Andrew: indeed

Andrew: I am the ultimate guardsman

???: and I'm Sig the ultimate shooter

Andrew: I assume you're here to convince me that we have nothing to worry about?

Jay: well uh

Jay: not necessarily

Jay: I just want to hear both sides of the argument

Sig: is it really an argument though?

Andrew: well then, you seem smart Jay

Andrew: tell me, have you heard of a little thing called the ultimate hunt?

Jay: yeah I've heard of it but what does that have to do with anything?

Andrew: think about it Jay, why would all of us ultimates be here?

Jay: well

Jay: we all heard that scream right?

Sig: and then we all rushed over

Sig: and if what I think is correct-

Sig: we all fell into someone's trap

Andrew: precisely Sig

Sig: it seems that the world is trying to wipeout the rest of the ultimates

Andrew: and Toshi doesn't seem to understand that

Toshi: I don't understand what?

Toshi had suddenly appeared behind the group

Andrew: you don't understand that we're in danger

Toshi: what danger?

Jay: someone or something is trying to kill us

Toshi: that's not possible

Toshi: i-if someone were trying to kill us I wouldn't be able to leave would I

Toshi took to the skies, looking to prove the other wrong.

but then


Toshi hit some sort of ceiling

Toshi: DAMMIT!

Toshi: m-maybe if I go back the way I came?

As Toshi went to go down the path,


A gate slammed down in front of him

Andrew: so there really isn't a way to escape?

Jay: we haven't tried everything yet Andrew

Sig: yeah!

Sig: we should look around for a way out of here

Andrew: of course

Andrew: but before that

Andrew: are you alright Toshi

Jay: yeah you hit that ceiling pretty hard

Toshi: y-yeah I'm alright

Toshi: a-as Sig said we should go exploring

Sig: Toshi we could go later if you're-

Toshi: I-I said I'm fine!

Jay: ...

Jay: (you're obviously not)

Andrew: alright then

The group set off into the forest,

Maybe they'll find a way out.

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