Prologue: Can't go back now

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Baxter had arrived upon a clearing at the end of the path. There were three other pokemon there, an emolga, a cinderace, and an urshifu the three pokemon seemed to be in a discussion of some sort Baxter walked up to the group and cleared his throat,

Baxter: excuse me?

The three pokemon were startled by their sudden fourth guest. The urshifu spoke first,

???: who are you?

Baxter looked skeptical but he told the truth,

Baxter: I'm Baxter, ultimate technician.

Baxter: Who are you?

???: I'm Caleb, the ultimate martial artist

The emolga flew over to Brent

???: hiya I'm Screecher the ultimate paraglider

???: and I'm Blaze the ultimate soccer player

Baxter: any clue why we're all here?

Caleb: from what I could gather, we all seem to have heard a scream come from around here

Screecher nodded,

Screecher: it was all gurgly and gross, we just had to check it out.

Caleb: we?

Screecher: oh yeah, I came here with a group of other pokemon.

Screecher: we split up though

Blaze: I see

Blaze: so you also came with a group of pokemon

Baxter: my group split up too.

Baxter: (why the hell did we need to split up)

Caleb: hmm

Caleb: so we all came in groups and we all split up

Baxter: that's odd

Screecher: why did all of our groups have the same bad idea?

Blaze: I wouldn't say it's a bad idea

Blaze: just not very smart

Baxter: you just said the same thing twice!

Caleb: now is not the time to worry about our group's poor choices

Caleb: what we need to do is gather our groups

As Caleb said that he went to go back down the path when suddenly


A metal gate slammed down in front of him

Screecher: wh-what the hell is that!?

Blaze: where did it even come from!?

Caleb: not to worry you three

Caleb: I can just

[caleb used wicked blow]

The gate didn't budge

There was barely even a dent in it

Caleb: this gate should've been busted down by now

Baxter: perhaps you didn't hit it hard enough?

Baxter walked up to the gate and

[Baxter used iron tail]


The gate was still intact

Caleb: hmph

Baxter: maybe we've been looking at this the wrong way

Baxter: this gate has to be triggered by something

Screecher: ooo what if it's triggered by weight?

Caleb: hey

Caleb: you callin me fat?

Blaze: he's just saying that you're heavy calm down.

Blaze: anyway

Blaze: if we can't go back down the path I guess we should go deeper into the forest.

Baxter sighed

Baxter: fine

The group set off into the forest.

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