Prolouge part 3: Brent

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Brent anxiously walked down the path

he wanted to turn back.

Wanted to run away

But he pushed forward

What other choice did he have?

As he neared the end of the path, he saw a obstagoon

???: HEY!


A drowzee and a vikavolt came rushing over.

The drowzee walked up to Brent

???: hey kid who are ya'?

Brent: I-I'm Brent the ultimate p-pyrotechnic

???: well I'm Bryson ultimate therapist

???: I'm Nori the ultimate racer

???: I'm the ultimate musician

Bryson: are you still keeping your name a secret?

???: yes

???: but if you need a name to call me by call me Rumie

Brent: you really want us to call you by your stage name?

Nori: yeah

Nori: if you want to keep your real name a secret you can trust us

Rumie: I don't have a reason to trust you three

Nori: oh

Rumie: besides-

Rumie: It's not that it's...

Bryson: It's?

Bryson seemed very interested in what she was about to say

Rumie: ah, never mind

Bryson: don't think you're getting out of talking about this

Bryson pulled out a pen and paper and wrote something down.

Bryson: we will talk about this later.

Rumie sighed.

Nori: don't worry about him

Nori: he wants to "have a session" with everyone

Bryson: and why did you put that in quotes?

Bryson gave Nori a glare.

Nori giggled and hovered a little bit above Bryson.

Nori: no reason, heh

Bryson rolled his eyes

Bryson: anyways

Nori: Brent do you wanna explore with us

Brent: Explore?

Nori: Yeah!

Nori zoomed around Brent

Nori: Bryson said we should explore the area and see what we find

Bryson sighed

Bryson: I said that this situation could be dangerous, so we should check the area for clues

Brent: check for clues?

Brent: (what clues would be around here?)

Bryson: Yes

Bryson: The three of us can check for clues-

Nori: And Rumie can keep watch for other pokemon

Nori cut Bryson off, finishing his sentence for him.

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