Hiss of the Steam Chapter 8.5 - Yames the Alchemist and Gerick the Steamtinker!

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"DAMMIT, JAMES!" Gerick shouted at the red hooded man, who was casually lounging on a high up burnt wooden plank (which was still on fire in some spots and barely hanging on by a few splinters). He dropped his bags in frustration.

"This is the fifth time you've blown a hole in my roof this week!"

The alchemist named "James" raised his shaded goggles, revealing his red tinted eyes and the only part of his face that wasn't covered in soot.

"Easy, old timer, I can easily fix this... maybe. YES I CAN! Can you? I think so. Hmmm. I could probably do it. Can I though? I think I already asked that." He began muttering to himself like he does all too often. Gerick threw his face into his hands and let out an exasperated sigh. James hand then shot up, his index finger extended, as if he had just learned what is at the other side of a black hole.

"AND IT'S YAMES TO YOU!" he yelled, his finger turning from the ceiling to down at Gerick. "How long have I been telling you that? Say it with me: YAH-MUS."

"Fine... Yames," he said calmly.

"HOW THE HELL DO YOU EXPLAIN YOURSELF!" he said, not so calmly.


"Eh, you know how alchemy is. Sometimes stuff just has to go boom," he said, grinning flashing a smile and a thumbs-up.


"But in my house?" Gerick said, motioning at the new hole.


"Well, why not?" he shrugged and lost his balance, causing him to fall from his perch--"Oh shit! OOF!"-- and land face-first on the floor. Of course, this didn't worry Gerick, seeing as his insane alchemist friend did this all the time. His face was practically leather at this point. His head poked up and his face still had that dumb grin on it.


"Sooo, what's in the bag?"


Gerick sighed again and walked over to one of his workbenches so he could deposit the linen sack he used to get food and a paper. Yames ran in and snatched the paper, then walked over to a wooden beam that had fallen to the ground.


"Huh, says here a local crime organization down in the lower city got their ass's kicked by some gunsmith, a ex-airnavy guy, and a second-rate Golemmaker." Gerick's head snapped around and he ran over to look at it.


"Let me see that," he said, grabbing the paper from him. He held it to his face and read the column.

"Oh god, what have you two gotten yourselves into? Yames, grab your coat! We're heading down to the lower city."


Yamas put on the most "are you serious?" face in the world.

"You do realize the only thing I ever wear ever is this cloak. Ever."  

Gerick slapped him on the back of the head, knocking his red cloak and goggles askew, as he ran out the door.


Authors notes: Gerick and Yames join the brawl! Fun fact: I based Yames on a character my brother and I made up for a Minecraft; Feed the Beast Lets play we did on Youtube, it sucked but we had some fun. Here it is if you want to see us fail at Feed the Beast. Oh and GOOD GOD! DO NOT JUDGE ME ON MY VOICE AND ACTIONS FROM 20frickn'13! I sounded so baaaad!


Editors notes:Well, I guess it all comes full circle, or something like that. The struggle is real, everyone! If two dudes are receiving intelligence about this, it's getting real. I have a hunch that it'll get even more real.  I'm happy I got to use the double hyphen in this. :)

(Also, I bet Yames is totally gonna sit this out, and not clash his weird personality with theirs. Yep. That's exactly what'll happen...)

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