Hiss of the Steam Chapter 3- The Start of the Revolution

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I woke up with an aching pain in my back. I also noticed it had gotten colder.  I then open my eyes and saw sunlight streaming through the windows and I noticed Amber wasn't where she was the during the night.

I called out her name and got no response. I got up and walked outside. And I saw her. Standing by the lake. She had taken off her aviator cap she always wore and her short orange colored hair was swaying slightly in the wind. I walked up to her and tapped her on the shoulder.

She jumped back, screamed and kicked me square in the chest causing me to fly back and hit the ground.


“Oh! Mark I’m so sorry!” She yelled upon seeing it was me. She rushed to my side and sat down


I groaned and stood up. “I’m fine.” I said resting my arm on her shoulder. “But next time a simple ,Good Morning, will do fine.”


“Maybe if you hadn’t startled me like that! Nearly gave me a heart attack.” She said the last bit under her breath.   


“It’s fine. But we need to get to work.” I said rubbing my chest. She gave a nod of agreement and we walked inside.


“Ok, so I had an idea while I was standing by the lakeshore.” Amber said while looking for more paper to write on. “Basically there has been a really big problem with gangs down here ,as you know, so one way we can get the people to rally behind us is by clearing them out. Now, it won’t be easy but I know of an easier way to do this than just finding the base and charging it.”


“And what might it be?” I asked.


“Well... let’s just say I had a few problems with the gang a few months ago.” She said looking nervously down at the table. “One thing led to another... There may have some explosions... Ummm there was a shortage of rum for a while...”


“Amber what did you do?”


“I tried to break into their headquarters and ended up blowing up all the rum.” She said hiding her face with her hand. I face palmed.


"Well done..." I said sarcastically.


"But! I did find out the name of the gang and the a bit about the gang leader himself." She said brightening up.


"Really?" I said also beginning to see hope in this idea. "So whats the gang called?"


"They are called  the Hazy Skies gang, and the leaders name is Mick." She said.


"Is that-"


"No that's not an abbreviation for Mickie...Well it is technically but not in his case." She answered for me. I nodded. "He also has two right hand men. Jacob and Doug. Jacob Runs the rum trafficking and Doug runs the henchmen."


"So what do you propose?" I asked.


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