Hiss of the Steam Chapter 9 - Fire of the Forest

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"Oh... you heard that, huh?" I asked, reddening.

"Yep. I kinda feel bad for interrupting, but I would like to hear the answer," she said leaning in as if trying to trap me to the spot.

"Well... it's hard to say. I... uh," I stammered.

"Just. Say it," she said, leaning even closer. I could feel her warm breath on my face now. I started to lean forward, to meet her lips, to give her my answer.

"Evenin' lovebirds! Remember me?" It was shouted from the edge of the forest. Both of our heads spun and the moment died. And it only died further when we saw who was talking. It was the flame wielder from Doug's encampment, and he was poised to fire at the forest.

He stared right at us with an insane gleam in his eye, grinning.

"I've heard bonfires are pretty romantic!" he yelled. And he pulled the trigger, sending ribbons of fire into the leaves, all of which caught fire.

Amber jumped off of her feet and ran up to him and kicked him in the back of the knee, stopping the stream. But it was too late; the fire was spreading and nothing could stop it.

"YOU BASTAAAARD!" Amber shrieked, pulling out her revolver and putting one through his head. It was cold blooded, but this forest and her house was all she had left of her family. She threw the gun at his head and collapsed to her knees, screaming into the fire. I... didn't know what to do. I was staring into the blaze as it went deeper into the forest. Amber's head shot up, and she started to run towards her house. I could see that the fire was already there, so I gave chase.

"Amber! Stop!" I yelled. But she was already tearing through the door. I swore under my breath and ran even faster. I didn't get far when a flaming tree fell in my way. I stumbled back and fell to the ground, hitting it hard. The last thing I saw before blacking out were two figures running to the house.


Authors notes: HAHAHAHAAAA! No kiss for you! Ehhh... why am I so evil.... Anyways short chapter to set up for more.

Editor's Notes: It's getting real now! Beware! Prepare for more mood-flipping in the future. Just be wary of those Berserk Buttons!

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