Hiss of the Steam Chapter 1 - The Skylord

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Chapter one

Skylord Mark

My name is Mark Gerard. I am presently a freelancing Skylord. I used to be an apprentice to a well-renowned tinker, learning how to build various devices with only a couple of gears and scrap metal. I used to be a simple urchin on the street picking pockets for a living, until I was found by the renowned steamtinker Gerick Gerard. I am not his legitimate son, but seeing as I didn't know my real last name I adopted his. I wanted to join the military no matter how much Gerick advised against it; I was certain this was what I wanted to do. The AirNavy was a powerful army with hundreds of airships to spare,and most importantly, they helped people. I love helping people, so I signed up and got accepted. I was a part of it for only five years, until I overheard a conversation between my general and someone I didn't know. I was walking to my general's office to turn in some reports, and when I heard voices coming from inside the room, I stopped to listen.

"Are you sure that you have full control of the lower city now?" my general asked.

"We have everyone down there under our thumb, so quit worrying about it. Remember: we get the money for you and you remain oblivious to my gang," the stranger said in a light business like voice.

"Yes, yes, I remember our deal! Anyway, you can't be seen here. I have a ship prepared for you outside," the general said, opening a door in the back of his office.

"Hold on," the stranger said, putting his finger up to his mouth. "Someone is outside the hall door."

I heard that and my eyes flew wide open. I bolted from the door. I heard it fly open and hit the wall, but I was long gone. My mind was racing. Should I tell someone, or keep it to myself? Would anyone even believe me? My foot caught on a loose floorboard and I fell to the ground with a loud thump. I heard footsteps and rushed to get to my feet as my corporal walked up to me.

"Ah, Mark are you okay?" he asked, holding out a hand to help me up.

"Yes, I'm fine," I said, taking his hand and pulling myself up. Then I remembered why I was running in the first place. "Hey, I think the general is working with a street gang in the lower city," I said, hoping he wouldn't just dismiss what I was saying as joke.

But instead his face turned serious.

"Come to my office," He said, turning and walking away. I walked after him as he stepped into his office.

"Have a seat, make yourself comfortable." He said sitting behind his desk. I sat across from him. "Now... I'm sorry for what I have to do Mark," he said solemnly, pulling out a gun. "But you know something you're not supposed to." However I had realized what was going on early and had jumped up from the chair and burst out of the door before he could get a shot off. I was running down the hallway at full speed. His name was John. I trusted him. Him and I had some history. He was in charge of our group of recruits, and we became friends. In fact...he was the only friend I had at the academy. The intercom popped on with him saying:

"Private Skylord Mark has stolen critical battle plans and is attempting to escape! If you see him, shoot him on site! I repeat shoot Skylord Mark on site!"

He was obviously lying, but I couldn't have cared less. At the time, I only had one goal: escape. I saw the airship docks and hopped on the closest ship. I ran to the wheel. Gerick had briefly, very briefly taught me how to pilot an airship... very briefly. I fired up the furnace and turned the wheel away from the docks and started to leave. I heard bullets splintering the wood. I was out of the docks and into the sky. Some of Gericks words came back to me now:

"Piloting an airship is hard and I advise against trying without proper training." His words rang in my head.

"Ahh, such a great lesson from a good man... now how the hell do I pilot this thing?! " I yelled as buzzers and alarms began blaring. I felt the ship begin to tilt towards the ground. I ran out of the cabin and to the main deck to look over the side. I saw ground coming towards the ship at an alarming rate. I needed to think quickly. I climbed over to the nets holding the balloon suspending the ship and began to scale them. I got to the top and climbed under the netting and buried myself as deep as I could go into the balloon. I was hoping it would help break the impact. It was a 1 to 100 chance but I took it. The ship hit the ground and the ropes rubbed against on my skin burning it. The balloon had fully deflated and was touching the ground, so I climbed out and took a look around. The ship had crashed in what looked like the middle of nowhere. Finding civilization was now my top priority. However I didn't quite know what direction to start off in. Then I heard more ships in the distance. I looked up and saw some airships owned by the Navy approaching the crash site. No time to think. I ran into some bushes and peered into the clearing. The ships had landed and people were scouting the area looking for me. John was talking to the general in a hushed voice, but he was close enough to the bush I was in that their conversation could be heard clearly.

"If he survived the crash, then he will be heading to the city," John said, looking around his shoulder to make sure none of the other pilots could hear him.

"So? The gang I bribed has full control of the lower city. They will find him and kill him if I give the word," the general said, not seeming to think the situation was too dire.

"Sir, I have known him for a while now and he has exceptional skills in steam tinkering and hand to hand combat. Also, he was an orphan who escaped from the factory he was living in and has been on the streets for quite a few years. So he may have a chance."

The general gave a grunt of disapproval and said. "Well, we need to be going; the press will be here soon. We're only a few miles west of the city."

The two men walked aboard the ship they had come in on and left. I stepped out from the bushes I was hiding in and looked westward.

"Well, I had better start moving if I want to get there by nightfall," I said to myself, steeling myself for the long journey ahead.


Authors notes

Well the first chapter was rather short and in the words of Ron Burgundy "Boy... That escalated quickly."

Editors notes

I would say "to be continued", but that's Gerick's territory and I guess he thought it was too cliched.

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