Chapter 1

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History will say our tragedy started with my brother. But they fool themselves in this belif. Our tragedy started when our parents were assissanted on our tenth birthday.

We had just had a picnic on top of the hill, the last joyful memory of the family together. Luckly it wawa spoiled by death. Oh, no that happened when we we're on our back. Assassins did what they did best. Killed them as they protected their kids. They scarred us, with the memory of our parents dying right before our eyes.

It didn't show much at first, I guess many just thought our trauma was grief. Locking ourselves away from everyone, nightmares, screaming. They were just grief to everyione. But we had eahc other and that made it easier. It took afew years, but the nightmare and fear slowly became less frequent.

But then 10 years later, our 20th birthday came. Arthur and I were talking and suddenly he started to cough up blood. I must have frozen in shock for a few moments. It was, to me and everyone who came to help, unnatural for the great king Arthur, my strong twin brother, to be weak.

But we quickly went into action after the shock of everything. It took a couple more minutes before every doctor, mage, and really any healer we could find, including myself was examining him.

Posion they said, it wasn't until later we knew what kind. Angel tears they said, known to be deadly to anyone. It was said to kill within a day. And that it did, we could lessen the pain he was in until the end.

After 5 hours everyone gave up, said to prepare for the worst. And there i was by his bedside as he drifted into death's grip. Everyone said it wasn't my fault, that there was nothing that could be done. But it felt like the blame was solely on my shoulders. People said Prince Alexander, the geniust Archmage. But how was i when i couldn't save my own twin. Completely useless in the end.

Even after 10 years, I still remember his last moment as clearly as if it happened yesterday. I held his hand as he started to go. . Arthur could only speak in a faint whisper. But I heard him loud and clear, ""

But before he finished, his hand went limp and there the great King Arthur breathed his last on this earth.

The thing was, I couldn't live happily, I just couldn't. It felt like there was a hole inside of me. The words useless, powerless, coward rang in my head along with the never ending dream of that day. It was a curse to never forget and always feel that powerless, that weak forever.

It wasn't even an hour after, when I took that potion. It was just some potion that I was researching at that time left on the corner of my desk. I didn't even know what it did, just hoping it would end this pain inside my chest.

To my disappointment it didn't end my suffering. Instead it was just a drug to help with the pain. I don't even remember what happened the first time I took it. I'm pretty sure I blacked out like I did every time, ending up in a pool of blood.

To my disappintment the cuts on my wrists weren't deep enough to kill me. In the end I crawled into a ball and cried.

It wasn't until Mary, our nanny found me that I put bandages on the cuts. When eshe left I just stared into space. I would have taken another dose of the potion, if my unclle, Richard hadn't walked in.

Looking back on it, when he proposed I masquerade as Arthur it might have been the only thing that kept me alive. He said, "Arthur can't die now, not when enemies are building their power waiting for us to lose Morale. This is just the thing they are waiting for, not only will we lose morale but our enemies will begin to attack thinking we lose our only strength. I know you can hold off a few but not all. Camelot will fall. Your brother's hard work will be pushed down the drain. Think of him, Alexandra."

Princess Alexandra Pendragon, known as Prince Alexander twin brother to the king to the public. But to my brother, Merlin, our teacher, Mary, and our uncle, I'm just Alexandra. But that's getting off track.

My uncle knew as I did that we didn't need Arthur's name to be safe, but as I said it kept me living in the end.


"I know you're grieving and I too wish he didn't die, especially on the anniversary of your parent's death. But they all would want the kingdom to remain safe and sound after their deaths"

It took a little more convincing, but I agreed in the end.

A few hours later they announced the death of prince Alexander.

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