Chapter 2

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As the whole country was mourning 'my' death. I locked myself inside. I only came out to visit Arthur's grave.I became addicted to that potion. The only way the dreams stopped was when I drank the potion.

Then one day i realized that the people who murdered my brother had gotten away. They got away with taking the last family I had. They got away with killing my brother, my twin. Ans so my obession, my drive for revenge started.

I never pracisted magic anymore, I didn't desere to. I didn't deserve to practice something that made me happy when I couldn't save my brother. My magic failed to save him. But for my revenge I would need it. So as searched for the murderers i develpoed spells to make them never forget what they had done.

I tried to drown myself in work to forget the pain. But it didn't work, only the potions worked. It was inevitable that I became more cold and cruel. I didn't have time to deal with people when I looked for the objects of my revenge. I ended up killing most who opposed my revenge. What right did they have to stop me from getting revenge? The only ones who tried to stop me and lived were Merlin, Mary, and uncle Richard. Plus the round table, i just coin't bring myself to kill my brother's knights and dear friends, even when at times they seemed to not care. But who could blame them? It was the useless prince that died, not the great king in their minds.

It took 8 years to search. But then out of nowhere, I found the answer, 'Lounder's' was the ones responsible. And so I began my plan of revenge. But first I got rid of everyone who said no. I guess it was then they started calling me a tyrant. But I just laughed as I drank more and more potions.

With no one to oppose my revenge I started with a plague. I made a version of Angel Tears that would act like disease instead of poison. It ended up killing millions, some including my own people. But they got what they deserved for opposing my revenge. I ruined their economy, planting seeds of distrust, turning their fields iinfertle. Until finally I set fire to their homes, their kingdom.

Finally it was done, my revenge has been completed. But I still felt hollow. Revenge didn't do much with my pain. It made it only slightly better. The day I finally completed my revenge I drank 1o potions at once. Maybe it was more,I don't know the answer to that. Nor do I care to. I just wanted it to end.

But this time I didn't wake up in a pool of blood. Instead I was in a bed, Mary, Merlin, and the Count were crying at the bedside.

"Yo..your majesty don't ever do that again, you hear" cried mary

I didn't answer, instead I walked out with dazed eyes towards his grave.

It was cold out but I didn't care. I wasn't going back for a while. I stood in front of his grave and just cried. I missed him, his smile, his laugh, his reassuring voice.

I sat there crying until I fell asleep on the icy cold ground.

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