chapter 5

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I had no answer, I couldn't wrap my head around his depressed mind. There must have been more attempts that they didn't tell me about. The worst part is it was all happening under our noses.

If we actually paid attention to the king maybe, just maybe we could have realized. If we looked for him on his birthday we could have known, we could have helped.

As I proceeded and blamed myself for doing nothing, noticing nothing I walked over to what was left of the person who I could have helped. I returned the locket that I just realized I still held. There was only one thing i could do, so i picked up his body and proceeded to walk out.Merlin, Mary, and Count Richard following closely behind.

(3rd person POV)

The battle had long been over, the rebels were dealing with their injured. As the loser's fates hang in the balance. As Lancelot carried the fallen king, Mary, Merin, and the Duke followed behind. It didn't take long to reach the site of the Pendragon family's graves. Alex's grave had already been dug up, casket opened for it's owners last resting place.

As Lancelot cafeully laid the king inside, the Duke began to speak, "my nephew was brillant and strong. I wish my sister could see her daughter grow into such a brillant mind. My brother in law must be laughing in his grave along with my other nephew, they must be happy no one layed claim to their treasure. I can see it now, sister scolding them to death, while Alex laughed her eyes out at her brother and father's stupid faces. Things could have been so different in the end. They could have grown without the heartache. Alex could just waste away on a spell or invention. Arthur, just pracisiting the sword. Their parents, laughing at the sillness of their children. But fate has been cruel to them, at least now both siblings can reuint happily."

Lancelot was too much in his mind to realize the Duke's mistake.

Mary walked in front of them all with a scroll. "I, Mary Gorner, nanny to borth Alexander and Arthur Pendragon will now read from he..his will: I, the 68th king of Camelot, king Alexander Luca Pendragon last remaining of the pendragon line leave the kingdom to my late brother, the 67th king of camelot KIng Arthur Carlos Pendragon's closest friend and loyal knight, Lancelot Knightinton. If he chooses to refuse, I leave the kingdom to the former king regent and my uncle, Duke Richard Luma. To my friend and teacher, Merlin Winterburg I give my books and inventions. To my nanny Mary Gorner, I leave the land under my name and the remains of my variables. If she wishes to refuse these items shall be given equal to Duke Ricahrd and Merlin Winterberg. This shall only be inherited, if the inheritors follow these rules:

Bury me with my family

Loyal to the end

Did their very best to protect me and or this kingdom during my life"

As Mary read Alex's will tears formed in her eyes. When she was done,she went to the side where Merlin and Duke Richard were and joined in their cries.

The only one not crying was Lancelot, who was in a daze, "when did he last update his will?"

Through his sobs Merlin answered, "if i remember right it was today right?"

"Mhm she asked me to bring parchment and ink this morning as soon as she rose. When she was done she told me to read it at her funeral."

Lancelot was too dazed tio realize mar had accidently said her and she instead of him. His mind drifted around "why leave the kingdom to me" he mumbled.

Count Richard must have overheard him because he answered his question. "The late king Arthur's will stated if Alex wasn't able to inherit the kingdom you would. It isn't much of a surprise. Alex and Arthur agreed on it years ago.


It took a while but the shocked Lancelot went to clean the castle

"I think we should tell him?"

"No we're not, remember the promise?"

"But Mary i think he has a right to know"

"No, that's final."

Now that everyone was gone the real funeral could begin

Merlin undid the spell they had cast over the tombstone, changing its name to what it originally was Alexandra Isabella Pendragon.

"Today we are gathered to mourn the loss of the last of the Pendragon line Alexandra Isabella Pendragon. My niece was the most brillant mind I knew. She held her own against all foes till the end. In end she can finally reunite with those lost, Goodbye Alexandria Isabella Pendragon."

Just as the Duke finished she spotted Lancelot barely 5 feet away. She quickly signaled Merlin to change the tombstone as Lancelot walked towards them. The 3 of them awaited Lancelot's next few words hoping he had not heard a word of what they just said.

But they were soon disappointed, "who is Alexandra Isabella pendragon?"


"The person you just said goodbye to Alexandra Isabella Pendragon"

"See, I told you to just tell him. Now we can't avoid it"

Duke Richard was the first one to speak, "Alexandra is how do i put it'll be easier to explain if we show you, merlin.

'Lancelot stared at the tombstone that read "ALEXANDER LUCA PENDRAGON". But when merlin waved his hand across the name it changed int




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