Chapter 1.

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Y/n's POV

I pull out the drawer, searching through it for a rubber band to put my hair up

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I pull out the drawer, searching through it for a rubber band to put my hair up. It's hot as hell, and leaving my hair down isn't saving me from any heat inside or out. Although it was cooler inside of course. I didn't feel like brushing through my hair just to put it up though, so as soon as i find a rubber band i pull my hair up and twist the tie around till my hair is in a ponytail. A few strands were falling loose but i honestly could care less. I hurry to throw on my shoes, "Hey, where are you going?" I look up but continue to tie my shoes, my brother was shooting me a curious look. "Gallaghers." i look back down to focus on tying my other shoe laces. "For?" I knew he didn't want to hear what i was going to say, so i mashed my lips into a straight line before answering. "To see carl." I assume i'm right as he scoffed and sighed.

"He's not gonna 'break my heart' or whatever. We're not even a thing, Jaiden." "Even if you aren't, he still flirts with other girls while around you, says dirty shit to flirt by the way. plus, he's a terrible influence! He does drugs and shit. I wouldn't be surprised if he came out as a drug trafficker, Y/n." i roll my eyes as i sigh. "Have i ever done drugs or flirted with girls?" i pause, "Have i ever done drugs?" i hear a light chuckle escape his lips, "Fine. But i don't wanna ever catch you doing any thing like that. Alright?" "Yeah, yeah, i get it. We have this talk almost every day." "Well we wouldn't if you weren't hanging out with Carl Gallagher." "The Gallaghers aren't that bad. You've barely talked to em, let alone take a glance at them. Maybe if you actually tried talking to them, you'd like them. Just as much as I do. They've practically raised me." I say. His smile drops, "Along side you.. of course."

"The Gallaghers? Really." "They're not horrible people like you make them out to be. Trust me. You just gotta see for yourself." I rise up after i'm done tying my laces. "Whatever, Go on. Be back by 10." i nod, rushing out through the door. The Gallaghers are only like 6 minutes away, 10 at most. Once i get there, i walk through the door. I don't really knock anymore, this is basically like a home to me. "Hey, Carl." He whips his head around, smirking when he sees me. "Y/n." Carl was holding something up, but Sammi made her way out, "Dad." he hurried to put whatever he had back in the bag. I raise a brow as i walk over.

"Your pills." He placed the bag down, "Oh, thank you, dear." Sammi was Franks daughter, we previously found out a while ago. She was honestly a bitch. And definitely crazy. She was walking in with a tray, it held pills and a cup. "Listen, uh, i was thinking of taking a little field trip with young carl this afternoon." She was focusing on placing the tray down, but looked up in his direction. "Get in some father son, bonding." i frown, "So i came over for nothing?" i whisper, he looks back at me, raising his brows as he places a finger on his lips before turning back around.

"Oh, that's a nice idea.." she says smiling, i see a smile grow on frank's face. "for tomorrow. But today we've got to go the hospital to get your wound checked, and i promised Chuckie that after that, you'll teach him to toss a ball with your good arm." it was silent as she grinned, but it faded, probably due to the lack of response. She looked like she expected a specific answer out of him,"Uh, of course. That's a better plan." "Good!" she extended the word with a wide smile. "All right." She patted his back, "Hop to." she picked the tray back up. Frank rose up, searching for im guessing sammi to make sure she wasn't in sight then leaned down to Carls height, "Put the drugs on Chuckie. Strap him up." Carl looks confused, "Why?"

"Because you're 14, you look like a criminal, the cops can spot you a mile off, while Chuckie— they take one look at that mongoloid, and all they want to do is look away. I would say y/n, but.. she gets nervous and makes it obvious." he shakes his head. No i don't! he started to dig into his pockets before he pulled out some change. "Here. Buy him a bus ticket. Yeah?" He handed him the money, "And give your old man a taste for the effort." i decided not to question it, "Fine. Only a little." he pulled out a bag of white shit, which with as much drugs as i've seen, i haven't seen enough to know what it is.

"Hey, Chuckie. Wanna play some catch?" he looks back with a grin, "Yeah!" "Come on. Y/n's gonna play too." i sigh, chuckie grabs what he needs from off the table and i follow them out. We reach a red van, carl walks over, and quickly shoves Chuckie into the van. Pulling the door back, "Asshead, get in." he pointed into the inside of the Van, "I thought you said we were going to play catch." he rolls his eyes, "You first." i hop in, and he follows along. Once Chuckie began his way in, carl pulled his shirt, dragging him the rest of the way in before slamming the door shut.

He hurried to pull off Chuckie shirt, "What's in those bags, carl." he asks as carl holds up a bag to his chest, which Chuckie holds up. I look over at him, as i knew what it was. Drugs, obviously. Can't believe their seriously going to duct tape bags to him. He's not smart enough to help get away with this shit! "Horse." He grabs duck tape, and began to tape the bag on him, leaning down to get more. "Why are you taping horse to my tummy?" "Because i'm your uncle and your my niece." he wraps the tape around more bags; "And you do what i say." "I think you mean Nephew." "Yeah, Carl. I think you mean Nephew." I tease, "I think i mean keep your mouth shut and keep it shut no matter what, and don't tell anyone a word about this, or else i'll tie a fucking ride around your tummy and set it on fire, even if you are my niece." he has him turned around with atleast 4 bags around him now. He paused, looking in my direction, "That was targeted towards him. No hard feelings for you." he pulled the duck tape back, putting it over more bags.

"Okay, uncle carl." he continued wrapping more and more duck tape around the bags till he finally finished. "If anyone asks, i wasn't here." i raise my hands up in defense. I honestly didn't care whether or not i was caught, but if my brother found out i was hanging around carl whilst he did shit with drugs. He'd kill me before they could arrest me.

Carl looked back in my direction, "What? If i get caught doing this shit with you? It's my death day." He chuckled as he pecked my lips, "Don't worry about it. we wont get caught. We're safe." he leaned back, facing Chuckie. "Come on, we got shit to do."


1279 words.

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