His secetary (part 1)

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This part is not smut so if you want some good stuff go to part 2 :P


It had been nearly 3 months now since I have been unemployed and slowly I was growing hopeless. After getting fired from my old office job at a trading company, I haven't been able to find another one.
They are either too low for my liking or too high for my education. I was both applying online and also trying to reach out to my friends to help me. I did not expect this to happen to me since I was highly experienced and my education was averagely good. Not only I couldn't find a job but soon I wouldn't be able to pay my rent and I'm not sure what I can do. Maybe I should just get a part time job like old times but my ego didn't let me.
I was on my way to my morning coffee shop stroll (the only little joy I have left now) that I heard my phone ringing. Ofcourse when you apply 100 places in a 3 day period you will get atleast 50 calls but that meant nothing. This also didn't mean I ignored these calls since every single one of them could be my luck. I press the green pickup button and pickup the call.
"Hello"  I say sounding breathy cause god knows the only walking I do, is from my apartment to the coffee shop.
"Hello, goodmorning am I speaking to Ms Evelyn Cooper?" Replies a man in a cold tone
"Uh, yes that's me"
"Amazing, you are invited for an interview today at 10am, are you interested?"
I don't even remember what jobs I applied to but it wasn't a time to choose.
"I'll send you our details to your email shortly and We'll see you soon, goodbye" and he cuts off before I have a chance to say goodbye have a nice fucking day.
Th weather today was a bit chiller than other days so the 20minutes walk I had wasn't as painful as always, and I reached my destination before I knew it.
I did have a driving license and a hand me down car from my dead uncle but I didn't have it in me to waste money on fuel when I clearly needed it for other things.
"Goodmorning Evelyn, same as always?"
"Morning Rachel, yup plus a extra shot" I say, and head towards the table next to the window where I always sit, I opening my computer and this time I log into my mail to find the interview details.
I figure out it's the secretary position I applied 10 days ago, "damn 10 days ago and they are still hiring.. oh look it says even one person" I say to no one but myself.
"Here is your coffee, Evelyn" "thank you"
"Do you need anything else?"
"Mm maybe a strawberry croissant"
I click the link to location and realize it is too far to walk there so I keep a mental note to get a cab. And then realize I already ordered a croissant and that meant I should either walk or no croissant for tomorrow. And being a fucking idiot I always am I choose walking for another 20minutes.
I decide to waste my extra time by writing in my blog (that thankfully no one reads) and then slowly make my way towards home to dress up.
Since the job description wanted someone very professional and put together I decide on a knee length black dress and black tights that didn't show any skin. I also wore my black heels that I wear once in a blue moon, that being now, I promise myself that if I get this job I would never wear heels again cause the chances of me falling is very very high.
I put my hair in a unmessy bun and run for my bag. It was already 9:30 so that meant I had to run.

By the time I reached there I already regret my decision of not putting two shots of espresso in my coffee cause I was much sleepier than usual. The places I was invited to for an interview was a 30 high story building, 20th floor, room 505.
If I got this job it would literally be heaven because of the handsome salary it has but that's very unlikely so I don't get my hopes high.

"Hello, Evelyn Cooper, I'm here for the interview" I say to the receptionist lady.
"Oh yes you are 5minutes late" she says with a smirking smile that suggested that I will not get this job just for my stupid ass to reply with "yes being late is classy"
"Miss Cooper this way" says a middle aged man who seemed much younger than what he looked liked just for his tiredness to give it away.
"I apologize I didn't even introduce myself, I am Gerard, currently going to interview you since I was the past secretary of Mr Will. I was ordered to find a new secretary for boss since I wanted to quit myself."
This reminds me of all the times I had quit my job because of awful they were but I would never quit such a high paying job, just maybe he got a better opportunity.
"Alright you can sit and let's get started."
"So as it seems you have many job experience correct?"
"Yes" I say with a smile trying to sound professional and unlike my dumb self
"Do you have any experience in this job position before?"
"No, I have worked for a financial market company as a manager before but I have never had a secretary position."
"Well no problem just keep in mind that it's very demanding but nothing out of your area of education... bachelors in business , English literature and you also studied law for a year... that's quite impressive how old are you?"
"Which I dropped out, I am 24" the thing was my parents were quite rich and I didn't had to worry about my education so I went in and out of many schools to find ones suited for me but nothing was more enjoyable to me than writing.
"Well you see miss Cooper this position is highly challenging and that being the reason I haven't find a suitable person for it for so long, but now I'm just desperate since I have to leave soon and I have yet to find someone. And also despite that you seem quite suitable from outside and also of-course regarding your resume. So you have been hired." He says taking a deep breath like everything in his life has been settled.
I was just dumb struck, how the hell can this be real I mean, I was too shocked to even say thanks or anything so I just kept looking at Mr Gerard with my wide open eyes.
"Well miss Cooper if you want time to acknowledge this position and think about it I understand so"
"No- no it's fine I'll take it" I say.
"Great, good luck working here. I'll be forwarding your phone number to Mr Will and he will contact you tomorrow for your meeting and then you can start." He says standing up ready to runaway from this place.
"Yes sure, thank you."

On my way home I was still as shocked as before so I took the wrong route 3 times until I reached my apartment.
My feet where killing me and now my anxiety was building up since I had to work for a ceo of a company I only know is for clothes. Like how the heck did I even end up here.
I wasn't being ungrateful just confused at what I had to do now. I tried putting up a nice outfit for tomorrow and be presentable but that didn't work out well.

I suddenly woke with the sound of my phone buzzing. I was a very light sleeper so I always muted my phone but even little text buzzed woke me up. And 5 messages at the same time? Who was it
I unlock my phone and see a new contact who had messaged me.

Hello Miss Cooper, Will here. Your shift starts at 7 and I suggest you come early since we have lots of catching up to do.

These are the documents you should edit for today.

Pdf sisjne

What the hell, why didn't Gerard tell me about very early shifts and who the hell texts so early and most importantly why didn't he call me last night. Then I saw the time say it was 6:30 and I realized I have no time to waste.

Taking the quickest shower one possibly can and wearing exactly what I wore yesterday minus the heels I ran outside to start my car. Mind you I had not driven for 2 months too so getting this started and making it move and also making sure I'm going to the right place was a hell of a trouble.
When I reached there it was barely 6:55 and oh boy did my shoes make it easier for me.

"Ha hey, I'm here.. where is Mr Will's office?" I asked holding on to the receptionist's desk for dear life while panting like an idiot. I ran from the elevator to office 505.
"What?" She asks looking weirded out. "Mm I'm Mr Will's new secretary..."
"Oh, dear you should go to floor 23- room 1, his office is there... I think Gerard forgot to mention that yesterday."
Looking absolutely mortified about the idea that I'm going to be late today without another word I run to the elevator again waiting till it opens so I can go to floor 23.
By the time I reached there I thought to myself that he would understand and if he didn't what can a old hag of a ceo do to me? I mean it's my first day if he fires me they would have a hard time finding another person.
I took a very deep breath and knocked on room number one, hearing a faint "come in"
And oh boy was his office big and fancy, with big shelf's of magazines and books. Mr Will was in his desk typing something on his computer and looking pissed that made me nearly piss my pants. Not did he not look like a old hag I imagined but also he was one of the few handsome men I will probably have the pleasure of meeting in real life. His hair was black, cut neatly with a strand of hair sloped towards his fierce green eyes. The color left my face and I stood there like an idiot "hello, Mr Will." smiling.
"10 minutes late on your first fucking day, I'm not even sure if Gerard did a old job of hiring you. And it's not Mr Will, you should call me boss since you work for me now." He said all that while looking straight at my soul and then did he expect a reply from me? Me?
"I'm really sorry ,boss, Mr Gerard didn't mention anything about you being on floor 23 and there was traffic this morning and also I thought the shift started at 8 but then..."
"Enough, if I had time to hear you out I would not complain about you being late, here take this key to room 3, that is your office. If I need anything I will call you. You can go now" he said tossing the keys into my hands. "Uh oh-okay" I leave without another word.
Well that certainly was a first impression.

After that I was called more than 25 times into his office to do so many simple tasks that he could do himself and I think I walked more that day than I used to for a whole month. I already wanted to quit, I mean why would a handsome man like him call me into his office just for me to take off his jacket and hang it? Is that a new level of pain I had to suffer. Not to mention that he was clearly married which made it harder for me to even try to think about who the hell in their right mind would marry this freak.
I was sore as hell the morning after but at least now I knew what exactly was expected of me but how to achieve it was a different story. I had only heard of such narcissist selfish people in movies and shows but to actually meet a handsome one in real life made me furious.

The simplicity of the job made me laugh but also the idea that it just seemed that way was annoying. To give opinion about the magazine covers? The colors the theme the ideas.. to make him coffee to clean his desk, edit documents and all these simple stuff that anyone can do. But what made it hard was him.
I suddenly snapped out of my thought as a vehicle behind me honked at me, telling me to start moving since the lights are green.
Today I wasn't feeling myself since I was distracted and tired of my job, it was to the point of was thinking about quitting it but my monthly salary last week said something else. It said that I could spend all the freaking money on anything I wanted and maybe even move out of my shitty apartment.

Part 1 y'all, I hope you can relate to her in some ways and smiled a bit since I was intending this to be some what of a comedy. Arigato bay bay

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