Return Of No Peace In Termina

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Guards were scared.
Ash: Um... Can I get his armor back?...
???: Sure! But... Do you think you can carry it alone?
Ash: Yeah! Im strong...
Ash tried to carry it but it was too heavy.
???: Let me help-
???2: Sister...
???: What?... This girl seems nice
Ash: Im a boy...
???2 decided to help too.
???2: You cant do that alone!
???: Hehe!
They took FD armor out of the house.
Guards were there but shivering.
FD jumped off the rooftop
Ash: Um... Hey Fierce-
FD took out his sword and shot beams at the guards and they died.
??? screamed.

FD stared at the ??? girl.
Ash: Why did you do that?...
FD mind: My identity must be hidden... This girl has seen everything...
Ash: No! Stop! I will time rewind... Is that okay?!...
FD mind: Uh... No.
Ash: Why cant I ever use my oca-
Ash spit blood.
FD mind: Ash-
??? ran to Ash.
???: Are you okay?...
FD got angry.
???: Sister! Bring me healing!
FD mind: Ugh... what can they do...
???2 fed Ash with... potion?...
Ash vomited.
Ash HP filled up to max again... but not for so long...
???: How about... this!
??? fed Ash with something.
It didnt work either...
???: Im... sorry...
FD stabbed and killed both of them.

FD went inside of Ash again.
FD Ash: Cough... cough.........
FD Ash: Why did you kill them?...
FD was putting on his armor, looked away for some seconds and turned around.
FD mind: They are wasting our time...
FD Ash went quiet.
FD Ash thinks: I need to go home and need to put off FD at that place and take the ocarina I hid from FD... Shit... Why did I-
FD mind: Woah.
FD Ash: S-sorry-

Inside of FD Ash mind:
FD: You better should stay away from them...
Ash: Cherry family?...
FD: Yes...
Ash: But they... Fierce... why?...
FD: You know you can call me Silver... because you suck at speaking out Fierce and Deity
Ash: Silver...
FD: The longer you stay with them... The longer you suffer...
Ash: Mh... its just...... ugh nevermind...
Ash stayed quiet for some minutes.
FD: I can fix it...
Ash: Huh?... Me staying alive or-
FD: I can fix Creepy...
Ash went quiet.
FD: But for now... lets just wait a little...
Ash: How long...
FD: 1 week...
Ash: Wha... 1 week no Pou?!...
FD: Yes.
Ash cried.

Outside of their mind:
FD Ash: Time to hide these bodies or do you want to eat them right now?... You can take control over me for a while
FD mind: Let me take control over you
Ash let FD in control.
FD ate up a corpse and put them inside of the ranch.
FD then worked up for his own body and ran around the empty field.
FD sat on grass smexily.
FD mind: What do you want to do now?...
Ash mind: Um... i dont know... O hey... you got some blood left?
FD mind: Yes.
Ash appeared right in front of him
FD opened to bottle of blood but then 50% of the blood got spilled on FD body.
FD mind: Eggghhh... shit...
Ash: Um... noob?
FD got angry.
Ash: um
Ash leaned on FD and started to lick FD armor.
FD mind: uh. Let me...
FD put off his armor and his dress.
The only thing that FD is wearing right now is his black suit.
Ash got confused and shrugged.

Ash licked FD chest very slight.
FD mind: Keep going.
Ash moved his tongue to his nibbiy.
FD stared at Ash.
Ash sucked his nib.
FD squirted milk.
Ash: H-huh?!
FD unclothed himself.
Ash: W-what is that?...
FD mind: Taste it.
Ash licked his milk.
Ash: Mh!!! C- can you shoot out Uludag Gazoz please?
FD: Wh...
Ash accidently licked his surgery mark.
FD mind: NOT... THERE!...
FD kicked Ash away very hard.
Ash cried.
Ash: W-what are you doing?...
FD mind: Uh. just wanted to warn you about the time.
Ash: Oh- Time is really up...
Ash went inside of his mind again.
FD mind: Egh.
FD played with his both of his nibbies.
Ash mind: S-silver what are you doing?
Both nibbies poured out milk.
FD mind: This. Ash. Is... what females can do...
Ash: Oh.
FD mind: What...
Ash: It... tastes good
FD waited for some minutes.

Ash appeared again and licked and swallowed his milk.
FD mind: Its my turn...
Ash: Huh?!
FD unclothed Ash.
Ash: W-w-
FD licked Ash newbbie
Ash: Uhn~ Ah!~ No!~ Stop!!!
Ash tried to push FD away.
FD mind: Sensitive. Go wear cow mask...
Ash: No
FD mind: Can you handle this then?...
FD sucked his newbbies.
Ash: A-Ahn!!!~
FD bit his newbbies with his fangs.
Ash: AKHHH- AHHHH!!!~~
Ash kicked FD
FD mind: Was that your full strenght...
Ash: Um...
FD mind: You leave me no choice...
FD took out ocarina.
Ash: Wh-wh-wh-where did you get that?! How-
FD has played Eponas Song
Ash: I feel weird... Ugh~ AAAHHHGH~ NHHH~~~
Ash squirted out all of his milk and couldnt move his legs.
FD licked and swallowed all of Ash milkies.

Ash: Silver...
FD listened.
Ash: S-s-s-s-s-
FD mind: Speak.
FD mind: Yes.
FD broke the ocarina.
Ash: NOOOOOOOOOO. Why can you play on ocarina and I cant?!...
FD stayed quiet for a bit.
FD mind: You are not gonna time rewind and act like we didnt have sex. Me and you share our mind.
Ash: I hate it how you can read my mind, Silver.....

At Cherry:
Creepy: Hey Sloth
Sloth: Huh?
Creepy: What do you know about the guy with white hair, white eyes, red and blue marks?
Sloth: That just reminds me of Ash description
Creepy: You are right-
Creepy looked at random selfies on Ash sheikah slate and opened that scene.
Creepy: So THIS guy was Ash himself all along?! His mask?!
Sloth shrugged.
Creepy heard a sound in front of Novas room.
Creepy sneaked out and checked.
It was Majora floating away.
Creepy: Majora might know something about this... He would never just float around like that...
Creepy followed Majora.

Cherry stepped inside of Novas room.
Nova: Why is everyone here-
Cherry: Hey mom...
Sloth: Yes?
Cherry: When will Ash come back?...
Sloth went quiet.
Sloth: Soon!
Nova ate some chocolate.
Majora went to the kitchen.
Creepy: You.
Majora got jumpscared.
Creepy: You know about HIM... Right?...
Majora: Its none of your business!...
Creepy: Please tell me... I give you whatever you want...
Majora: Anythinggg?!!!
Creepy: Yeah...
Majoras mind: I should trick him to get me that FD mask but first of all... I need to think up fake stories...
Creepy: Sus...
Nova: Yeah
Creepy: What are you doing here?-

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2021 ⏰

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