Arranged Marriage pt4

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Two days, there was only two days left until Raghav and Pallavi officially tied the knot.

The duo was deeply regretting agreeing to the deal. Everything was happening so fast for them. 48 hours left and they hoped to god that something would happen that will stop their wedding from happening. Unfortunately for them, the odds were not in their favour.

It was a Friday afternoon, Raghav and Pallavi were at the RR mansion along with her family. The family members were all discussing the wedding preparations when Keerti came running in.

"Amma!" She screamed

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at her.

"What happened, is everything okay?" Amma said.

"Okay? Everything is perfect. I'm so happy. I got my dream job offer. I accepted it and I'm leaving for London first thing tomorrow morning." She squealed in excitement.

"Oh wow, I'm so proud of you beta." Amma said, showering her blessings on her daughter.

Everyone was extremely happy for Keerti.

"Wait that means, I won't be there for Bhai's wedding." She said sadly.

Raghav and Pallavi looked at each other. Their eyes showed a hint of hope. They knew that the wedding would have to be postponed. Raghav's own sister couldn't miss out on his wedding.

"I guess, we will have to postpone the wedding." Raghav said without emotion even though he was dancing in his head.

"Oh nonsense, we don't have to cancel the wedding. Why wait two days when you two can get married tonight." Said Amma.

"WHAT!?" Raghvi screamed out together

"Yes, your wedding will take place tonight, it won't be grand. Just a small one with family and a few friends. We'll just have a really small ceremony. That way, you both will get married and Keerti wouldn't miss out. As for the reception outfits, we'll have your reception when Keerti has the chance to come back." Amma beamed in happiness.

Raghav and Pallavi looked at each other. They sighed, what they were dreading for is now literally happening in a couple of hours.

They were broken out from their thoughts when their family members started frantically preparing things for their wedding.

"This is really happening." They both thought.

Four hours later, everything was done.  Both Raghav and Pallavi had just completed the last rituals of the wedding. They were now officially married. In each and every ritual of the wedding their faces showed no emotion whatsoever. Raghav had the constant fear running through his veins that Pallavi will break his trust just like his first love Esha did. Whilst Pallavi had the fear that this marriage will end up like her first. She shivered at the thought of becoming a widow again. She silently prayed that nothing of that sort would happen to her this time.

Everyone was happy for the couple. Except for the couple themselves. The small amount of guests occupied themselves by talking to each other. Whilst they danced the night away.

It was a really small wedding, but Amma couldn't give up the chance to have some dancing happen. Eventually, Amma had managed to drag Pallavi and Raghav to the dance floor.

The new couple were in the spotlight and now they had to act accordingly. Raghav pulled Pallavi close, putting his arms around her waist as hers wrapped around his neck. The proximity was sending tingles throughout their body.

Raghav looked into her eyes. He frowned as he saw that they did not shine like they usually do.

"Good going Raghav, you have managed to ruin this girl's life." He said to himself mentally.

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