Chapter 12

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POV Romain

I started calling my lawyer to know if we could adopt Maeve.

On call (with the lawyer)

Hello Mr Robins!

Hello Mr Dauriac! How can I help you?

Me and Scarlett meet a girl that we want to adopt!

That is amazing!Have you guys looked in the foster home site?

No, because we don't know where she is registered.

Ok... Do you know her full name?

It's Maeve Victoria and she is 8. That's all I know!

Ok! I will look in the system, but first I need to tell you that for adopting you need approval.
But I know you guys and won't be hard, both of you have great jobs and conditions to take care of a child.

Ok, thank you

I will look into the system



End of the call

When my lawyer said that he thinks the judge will approve, I got really happy. I am sure about this and Scarlett I don't doubt too.

POV Lawyer (Mr Robins)

When Dauriac called I knew that the judge will approve. The problem was found the girl in the system. I started looking for Maeve Victoria with 8 years and I spent one hour trying to found. I think I found the wright girl. I sent a picture of her to Romain and he said that it was her. And in the same text he explained to me what happened.

I asked if Romain was sure and he said yes, so I started the process...

I just want to apologize for not posting in the weekend! Sorry, I had a bunch of things to do and today some people are coming to my house so I don't know if I'll post another chapter today.
Take care of yourself ❤️
Have a good morning, afternoon or night!
Bjs da Bea, tchau...

A new Johansson (Scarlett Johansson's daughter) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant