The Best Christmas Ever (Christmas Special)

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A/N: I have decided to write a christmas special 5 days before Christmas. I really hope it turns out good because I'm about to be over here busting my ass every free second of my day to get this made in time. I am aiming to have it out either Christmas Eve or Christmas day so we'll see if luck is on my side this year...

Bakugo's POV:

"What's Christmas?"

Did I hear that right?

My own boyfriend doesn't know what Christmas is.

Listen, I know what his childhood was like. I know it was far from normal, but i didn't know it was THAT far. The kid looks like a fucking candy cane for god's sake. This is gonna change. I'll make sure it does. But how? I'll figure that out later. For now, I'll at least explain it to him.

"Well, it's a holiday on December 25th. People decorate their houses, give gifts, that kind of thing. People put a pine tree in their house a put lights and ornaments on it and shit. There's this guy, this big fat dude with a beard and red coat. He's magic or something. He comes down your chimney at night and puts presents under your tree. Then he flies away with some magic reindeer. Ya know, I'm actually pretty surprised no one's ever pointed out the fact that you look like a candy cane. It's kinda funny."

He just sat there, wide-eyed, then looked up at me as if I had just said water isn't actually wet or some bullshit like that. Anyways, he looked really fucking confused. I honestly felt kinda bad that he never had Christmas growing up. I might not seem like it, but I actually sort of like christmas, and don't know what it would be like without it.

I know what I'm gonna do.

3rd POV:

And so, Bakugo devised a plan. He was going to give Shoto the best Christmas he'll ever have. But he couldn't do it alone. He'd need a lot of help. He'd need the help of his classmates, so that's exactly what he's going to get.

Bakugo made his way to the common area of the dorms where the rest of the class was. Once he got there he began to look for a certain person. Once he caught a glimpse of her running across the room after an electric idiot, Bakugo ran after them both. He finally caught up to her. Mina Ashido. The go to girl for pretty much anything. Advice, party planning, dance lessons, an outfit, if you need it, she has it. Bakugo got her attention then asked her for help. Boy was she surprised when THE Katsuki Bakugo asked HER for help with something.

"OI, PINKY! I need you to help me plan a party for Shoto. It has to be perfect."

"Sure, why?"

"Believe it or not, he doesn't know what Christmas is."

Needless to say, She was surprised.

"Sure... what were you thinking?"

"Well, I haven't actually thought about it yet. But it has to be perfect."

"You said that already. Anyways, we're gonna need the help of the whole class for this. I'll talk to them, then get back to you at some point today or tomorrow. In the meantime, start thinking of some ideas."

Bakugo nodded, then got up and left while Ashido did the same. He was already getting ideas.

- Time skip - The next night -

Bakugo walked out of his boyfriend's dorm after saying goodnight. Now that Todoroki was asleep, he was going downstairs to start planning the party. Ashido had managed to get the whole class in on it, and things were looking like they would work out.

"OI, EXTRAS" Bakugo called out while walking over to the couches where everyone was sitting. He sat down and slammed a stack of papers down on the coffee table. The papers were covered in notes that Bakugo had come up with the day before. Everyone moved forward to look at the notes. A few people had also come up with ideas, and were excited to share their input.

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