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I don't normally like putting authors notes because it feels like they disrupt table of contents, but this is important.

I understand that I haven't been consistent with my posting, and that there are a lot of promises I've broken, but I'm trying. I really am.

However, things are only seeming to get worse and worse.

I have been poorly influenced by the other girls where I live, and my consequences have been building up.

Now, my placement in this group home is at risk, and things have been really bad between me and my dad as well. This means I have no way of publishing on here without breaking rules.

Now, before I go and get myself in a shitload of trouble so I can post all of my drafts that I have been working on, I have a question for all of you.

Will it be worth it?

Will you guys actually read what I post?

I want to know because in order for me to go to where I can post, this is what I will get:

-3 days grounding. (no leaving the property or using any electronics)

-risk of being moved to a different house

-it will be longer before I can get any of my own devices back (phone, laptop, Switch, etc)

-I will not be able to watch any TV, use the house computer, or the house Xbox until further notice.

-not to mention all of the 'I'm disappointed' 'we trusted you' 'this isn't like you' and 'I thought you were better than this' lectures I'm gonna have to sit through...

so, please tell me. Will it be worth it?

oh, and please dont say 'dont risk all of that for wattpad'

this hobby is one of the few things in life that I actually still enjoy doing.

One of the few things that gives me even a spark of excitement, and a hope that I can actually be useful.

All you have to say is that people will actually read what I'm willing to risk everything to post.

Say the word, and I'll do it.

But I don't want it to be for nothing.

If I do go through with this, would you guys rather I post it ASAP, or would you like me to wait until after march break?

If I wait until after march break, I will have a lot more to post.

Please let me know ASAP. As soon as you see this, I would like you to give me your answer in the comments. I will be checking tomorrow, but won't be able to check over the weekend. I would like everyone to submit their answers by Wednesday March 2nd, 2022.


I have also thought up another way that I could post on here, and I would be able to post regularly. 

It is less risky and I'm less likely to get caught, but it's going to be a hell of a lot harder to pull off. And with my sprained ankle that has recently gotten worse because I chose to ignore it, it will be a bit painful.

I will attempt it this weekend, and i'll get back on here and give an update on the situation at the earliest opportunity.

As much as I would like to spend the rest of the school day on here, I have to go draw a map of Canada now.


-Finn :)

P.S. how the fuck do I draw Nunavut?

P.P.S. If anyone is wondering how I sprained my ankle, I ran away and went to the store with one of the girls I live with. It was pouring rain, I was wearing combat boots, and there was no sidewalk. We were laughing and then a huge truck came by. I kid you not, it looked EXACTLY like Optimus Prime. Anyways, we saw it coming and it was on our side of the road. It drove past us really fucking fast and it was terrifying. Kamila wasn't scared tho, wanna know why? THIS GIRL TRIED TO USE ME AS A FUCKING SHIELD AND I ALMOST TRIPPED BECAUSE OF HER. lol luv her tho (no homo). Yea so that's how I sprained my ankle.

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