September 20th

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Dear diary, I just bought you. Unfortunately the only diarys they had in stock at the mall today were black and boring...maybe for my birthday I'll buy a hot pink one with glitter!! :D I love glitter! It makes me forget all of the bad things in the world. I just got back from summer break a couple of weeks ago and I'm finally starting my junior year at the most amazing highschool in the world!! Although everyone in the school bullies me for my obnoxiously annoying voice and constant buzzing noises. I still love this school. I've heard rumors BUZZING around about a new student. I am extremely excited about it...maybe finally I'll make a cool new friend! Maybe they'll even protect me from Sam and Ben...Anthony isn't really a threat to me even if he acts like one. Sometimes I have really bad thoughts like hurting my classmates...but I like to push them deep down and focus on the important things in life like rainbows and the positive things this wonderful world has to offer! But late at night when I can't sleep I just want to light a candle and burn this fucking prison to the ground. But regardless of what my brain wants to do...and my extreme lack of candles I stay happy. Even if I feel like shit and the world is crumbling around me and I feel as if I'm drowning in the feeling that I will never be good enough. I will never be normal. I'm just a fucking science experiment gone bad. I stop myself...and fake a smile and skip through the halls of my torturous life and live every fucking moment like its my last. In best regards....Felix The Fly.

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