October 5th

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Dear Diary, have you ever thought that something was going really well and then it just got ten times better in a moment of seconds? Marty and I were watching TV in out dorm sitting together on the same bean bag chair I had on the floor. I was nervous because I've never been around someone who makes me feel...tingly before...and next thing I know I was pinned against the wall being kissed by the hottest guy I've ever met! I think...I might be gay. We ended up having sex...and I still haven't slept...everything hurts. But I feel relaxed in some sort of way. He changed my entire world and I never want to leave his side. He's just so perfect. Does this mean that were dating? Or was it a one time thing? Was he using me?! Will I ever be enough for him? I'm a loser of course he doesn't want me! He wants someone else someone cooler in this school. There's no way he wants me! Would he sleep with me if he didn't love me? I'm scared that he's just using me but I love him to much to say no. In best regards...Felix the fly

"He screamed like a fucking baby" -marty

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