Oct. 20th

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Dear diary. I had my period yesterday. And I know what your thinking Felix your a man. How can you have a period? Well the answer is simple since I'm more fly than human one day once a month I go through this thing Dr. Richards likes to call my fly period. Its a day where I grow hair all over my body and I can only drink and eat out of a straw. This was Marty's first and you should've been there when he saw me! It was so funny! He was freaking the fuck out like "WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DID YOU DO TO FELIX?!" and i'd just responded in incomprehensible buzzing. Most of those days I spend...alone in bed watching Disney movies knowing damn well that I could die any minute. But I love life...and I love Marty. Eventually he found out what was going on and everything and Millie our school nurse helped him through everything and I came out all good! Other than needing to take a shower...Marty didn't want me to shave my newly grown beard off until he realized how weird I looked with it so I'm all clean shaven again! Atleast I think the beard looks weird. Marty keeps saying it's cute but I don't plan on growing one anytime soon. Although I think Marty would be super hot with a beard. Like drop dead gorgeous!! He makes my once dull gray world colorful and I can't wait to see what the future holds!

- Felix!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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