October 10th

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Dear Diary, it's official...Marty and I are dating! It's comforting to have someone to protect you. Sometimes I wish that I could protect myself...But then scientists throw shit against the fan and make me the quickest but weakest bug known to man! The house fly. Speaking of scientists since Marty is a new kid he has to go through a day of tests...checking his bloodtype height etc. Like a usual physical you get at a doctors exam but more machines and tests...my first one lasted for a week! And it fucking sucked! Jabbing you with needles constantly! Shocking you occasionally... Putting you through mris and DNA testing and just dragging you through hell and back! For what?! Just because I'm different than everyone else and have 51% fly dna instead of 50%. It's not like i'll die any faster! I have a check up coming soon too... God life fucking sucks! Sometimes I wish I was born normal Or not even born at all. My life is a living hell that I have no fucking control over and it sucks. It goddamn sucks. I still have the candle from the dinner marty made....do I just burn down this hell or suffer in the constant state of pain and fear that I'm living in? I'll think about it...in best regards Felix the Fly

"I hate check up day...everything hurrrts :(" -Marty :'(

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