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Poopies POV
School was finally over and I got to see Bally again.We waited for Wildcat to get her stuff from her locker,she takes really long to get her stuff out organize her stuff in her backpack and locker but when you're talking to someone time goes by quickly.Blue took out Bally from her backpack,it does sadden me to know that Bally does stay in the backpack as well.

As always that replays every single day,they started to make us do stuff.I started heating up I can't believe such little things get me all flustered.It's so pathetic,I got to show how manly I can be.But what if she's not even into those guys? What if she's not even into guys at all.If that were the case I don't know what I would do.

Eddie and Uno started fighting over me,Eddie wouldn't let Uno carry me and then they started to pull on me and stretch me,I didn't like it at all.They finally stopped once Eddie won but let his guard down and Uno snatched me away and Eddie decided to just give up.Bally seemed to be watching,I looked at her and she looked at me.We stared at eachother for what felt like years.She smiled at me and quickly looked away.Gosh the things that she can do to me that others can't is ridiculous.

Ballys POV
I watched how Uno and Eddie were fighting, I found it funny especially with the faces poopie makes.He looked at me and I looked at him.We stared at eachother for a while but not too long,it felt like it was only for a few seconds.I shot him a smile,but he looked away.Did I do something wrong again? I frowned.Why is this so complicated?

I wish I could speak to him normally and ask him what's wrong but I'm scared to make him nervous and uncomfortable so I'll wait for a while.We made it to the entrance of the school and as usual we waited until our rides are here.Blue and Eddie started takings pictures of us kissing and also started to take videos as well.Poopie looked really red like a tomato.I started to get worried.Eddie leaves early,he's like the first one to leave.Then tres and Uno,tres and Uno rides get here at the same time.Literally,their rides are right next to each other or a car away from each other most of the time.

Then we leave which is blue and me.The last one to ever leave is wildcat,their ride gets there pretty late.I feel bad for them honestly.

Once we get home blue goes to her room and sets me down on her table.I hear her mom calling her so she quickly goes out of the room to do what she is asked to do.School is pretty fun,I don't really mind being in the backpack even though it's crowed and gets thrown everywhere.I'd say school is fun,I even pay attention to the classes.

Wildcats POV
Honestly it's gets annoying when my parents pick me up late.Mostly my dad picks me up.There are barely any kids here now since everybody gone home,sometimes I get picked up early but that ever happened two times this semester.Once it was just me and Uno and we made a bet who's parent would come first to pick us up.

I saw my dads truck first.Uno started whining on how I was gonna leave them alone at school all.All I did was give pity on them,I said my sorries and left to go to my dads truck.I texted Uno and asked if they were home yet about a few minutes before I got pick up and they said they just got picked up.It was funny.

I was one of the last kids to get picked up.I myself had a stuffed animal as well.It was a yellow cat named obama.Yes I know.Such a weird name but Eddie wanted me to name them that.Obama was a pretty soft stuffed animal,it was also round.I decided to introduce Obama to poopie and Bally tomorrow.Let's see how the others react.

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