Chapter 13

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"Big day awaits tomorrow." he said. "Yes... big day..." I sghted, and before I went to the dream world with a slight smile and last words to Sebastian. "Good night, you bastard." I chuckled with my closed eyes. "Good night my love." Sebastian chuckled too and we both went ot sleep...


*Sebastian's POV*

Tonight I was really sleeping, it was strange though, but when I'm with (y/n) it doesn't matter at all. I woke up and dressed up. I didn't want to wake (y/n) up, so I silently got out of the room. I went to wake up other servants, they have to help me with the decorations and other stuff, for tonights ball. After, I went to the kichen, to prepared breakfast to young master and (y/n). I looked into my pocket watch, and it was the right time to wake up for everyone. Firstly, I went to wake up (y/n). When I came to the room, she looked so sweet in her sleep. After all she was smiling in her sleep. I smiled to myself and went to open the curtains. The sunlight brightened (y/n)'s bed so she woke up very quickly. "Good morning Sebastian." she said smiling, still cuddling in the sheets. "Good morning, my darling." I replied. I went to the trolley and picked the cup with a saucer for (y/n) and poured the tea. "Here you are, my lady." I said smiling. "Thank, you Sebastian." she chuckled and picked the cup. I putted her breakfast on the night table, and I told her, that I'm going to prepare young master for today.....

When I went to young master's room, I was sure surprised, that young master was already awake. "Good morning young master." I said bowing. "Good morning Sebastian." he said. "Big day awaits today, isn't it?" I said while pouring the tea in his cup. "Hmph.." he looked at me and I gave the cup to him. "Did you started preparing everything?" he said while sipping his tea. "Yes, young lord." I said. "Good.." he putted the cup with the saucer on night table. "Now dress me up. I want to go to my study." he demanded. "Yes, my young master." I answered, bowing... I dressed young master and leaded him to his study.... After, I went to (y/n)'s room to check her out, but before steping in the room, I stopped, because I've heard her singing. "I know, that you'll be with me forever... I know, that my heart is finally happy. The pain has already faded away, Because I'm here with you..." she sang... I don't know, what kind of melody she sang, but it was beautiful. (Author: I took my song writing abilities, to these words! :D And yes, I write songs... :D Future Author: Nobody cares xd) "My, my... You sing very beautiful, my lady." I said while entering the room, smiling. She stopped singing right away and blushed slightly, from my words. She was already dressed up, so she just came and hugged me. "(y/n)?" I asked while hugging her. "Hmph?" she looked at me. "I think you should sing at the ball tonight." I smiled. "Me? No no no.... I have a stage fear..." she started to laugh nervously. "Why not? You sing absolutely perfect." I said, hoping, that she will sing tonight. "Sebastian... I couldn't... Besides, I don't think, that young master want  me to sing tonight." she said smiling. "I am sure that he would." I smiled with my eyes closed. "Please (y/n).... Ateast for me, sing tonight, please.." I smiled and kissed her forehead. She looked at me for a moment nervously, but then she spoke. "Ahhh..." she sighted. "You will be indebted to me. You know that?" she said with a giggle. "Then it is decited. And now, let's go to young master to ask him, what he is thinking about this." I said and we interlock our hands and we went to young master's study....

*Your POV*

I can't believe that Sebastian asked me to sing at the ball tonight... Ahhh... That bastard... But what I could do? I love him, so I'll do this for him... just for him... but what if young master won't agree that I can sing tonight? I think, that Sebastian, would make sure that I WILL sing tonight... Oh well... But what I could sing tonight? I think I will be able figure out till then...

*At young master's study*

*knock knock knock* "Come in." young master silentlly said. "Young master, I think, that I have found the perfect entertainment for our guests tonight." Sebastian said with a smile as we were entering the study. "What is it?" young master said diverting his eyes from the papers on the desk. "Lady (y/n), could sing tonight. She has a very beautiful voice, young master." Sebastian said, still smiling. "Oh, really? (Y/n) do you really sing well?" young master asked me. "Well, I don't know, you can trust Sebastian if you want.." I answered. "Hmmm... My dear (y/n), sing to me." young mater said, smling to me. "Uh-h... N-now? B-but... I'm very shy, young lord.." I said blushing and bowed my head to the floor. "Come on (y/n). Don't be affraid. It's just me, Sebastian and you. Nothing else." (yeah right.... speak for yourself Ciel... :D) young master said after standing up from his chair and coming forwards to us. "O-okay... I-I will try..." I said and inhaled air in and out to focus... "..Could you believe, that I'm flying so hight... Could you believe, that I'm free... My dreams came true so, slowly... Can you be with me again... My hands are reaching for the skies... My mind is going out again. I can't believe, that I, will be so strong... I can't believe, that I'm here..." (Again I used my song writing skills :D Plz don't judge me... Oh yeah.. These words are from my new song... :D But eh.. I don't think it's good, but who cares! :D Future Author: NO ONE CARES GERDA xd) When I've finished, I've heard cheerful clapping. But those applause were from everyone. As I turned around I saw Finny, Mey-Rin and Bard, standing at the door clapping cheerfully. Even young master was happy. I could've seen him smiling, and that's what made this day happy for me. "Marvelous (y/n), marvelous!" young master said still clapping. "Thank you, young master." I bowed. "You sing very beautiful, lady (y/n)!!" Finny shouted happily. "Thank you Finny." I blushed. Sebastian hugged me and said. "You sing very beautiful, my dear lady." he said and kissed my cheek. "Oh stop it you..." I blushed again and burried my face in his chest. "Okay, now everybody get back to your works for the ball!" young master said. "Yes, my lord!" Finny, Mey-Rin and Bard salluted to him. "(Y/n). Stay here for a minute. I want to speak with you. Sebastian go and start to prepare treats and drinks for tonight." young master said after sitting in his chair. "Yes, young lord." Sebastian said and bowed. He kissed me on my cheek and left the study.

"So, young master, what do you wanted to talk about?" I asked young master. "I hope you know, that you'll have to prepare something if you're going to sing tonight." young master said. "Yes, currently I am thinking about it..." I answered. "Make sure, that you willl look as good as everyone who will be here before your performance, okay?" he asked. "Yes, young master." I said. "Now go and help Sebastian." he demanded calmly. "Yes, young lord. " I said, I bowed and left the study....

*After bit a longer time than 3 hours, maybe 5?*

Everything was prepared perfectly, and actually I was very nervous about my performance tonight, but I knew, that I can do it. I have to. I looked at the watch and two hours left till the guests will start arriving. Everyone in the manor was checking that everything is okay with the decorations, food, refreshments and other stuff.. I went to my room to try prepare myself tonights ball... I opened my wardrobe and I thought. "Which dress shoud I wear tonight? That with my favorite colors or that stuning black dress?... hmm.... (muchaha I caught you! Next time you'll be wearing your favorite dress, it would be special ocasion. :3) I thnk I will wear that black dress.." I picked the dress and putted it on my bed. When I putted the dress on my bed, something fell out of the dress. I looked closely to see what is this. It was a black pair of gloves, just matching the dress.. I smiled, Sebastian never forgets the small things... I started dressing up and fixing my hair... I letted out a loud sight, because I have to wear that damn corset. I picked a black corset from my closet... "I don't want to wear that damn corset... Ahhh.... But I have to..." I talked to myself. I knew how to put a corset. I tried, when I worked at my old masters place. When I had a free minute I have tried to wear a corset. And you would not believe, I managed to put it right. So I took my abilities and I put that ill-fated corset on me. I was a little rejoiced, because corset highlighted my body lines. Then I picked the black dress and putted on me. I kept a simply hairdo on the hair. I entangled them on the left side, register in the same side as the red rose is on my dress. I left a few strands of hair on my face to make it look nice... Now I sat next to the dreser and thought. "Should I wear make-up? Hmm.. Maybe a little." I took the eye shadows and slighly brushed the shadow into my eyelids to make it like smoke shadow, then I picked my mascara and brushe my eyelashes to make my eyes more noticable. When I was done with my eyes, I took dark red blood lipstick. Then I applied it on my lips. I picked my black high heels and putted them on.... When I was all done I looked at my bigger mirror (yes you do have one) I was surprised how I looked. I would hold myself like a true noble, or a black princess, I smiled to my self and tuned around to head back to the main hall. 


*Just in time,  the guests have already started to gather at the Manor Hall*

When I stood at the top of stairs, Sebastian was greeting the guests and picking their coats. I turned around and I saw young master approaching me with a surprised smile. "Wow! (Y/n), you look stunning tonight. Sebastian is lucky.." young master watched me from head to toe. "Yes, he is lucky." he said again. "Why thank you, young master." I blushed and bowed. "Young master, well you too look handsome, this evening." I smiled to young master. "Oh, thank you (y/n).." I could swear, that I saw that he blushed, but he just came closer and asked. "May I have this pleasure, to walk with you down to the hall?" he said giving his hand to me. "Why ofcourse, young master." I said and took his hand. When we walked downstairs, Sebastian saw me, and he looked astonished. He slowly walked to me and young master with a big smile. He looked so handsome too. His toxedo fit perfectly on his body, also looking very mysterious at the same time...


Authors note:

AAANNNNDDD a cliff hanger!! :D I hope you guys you enjoyed this chapter. And if you want judge me in the comments about my song lyrics. Let it gooo, let it gooo!! :DD Sorry.. Soooo what I mean that I'm probably will not be able to update tomorrow, because easter you know... :D I'm going with my family to my grandparents (I just say that, they're not my grandparents, my parents had devorced soo I live with my dad and my dad's fiancee :D dont judge me... :DD) soooooo I don't know or I will update, or not. You will know tomorrow!!! ^^

So, as always ciao for now! ^^

~With lots of love :D ~


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