Prologue🍇 Missing Mineta

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Before reading this book, I just wanna say that this story is kind of on a personal level with me. Like how I feel that people are ahead of me with their lives and that I'm trapped in a box and talking to someone online made me feel so much better and complete that I started to care about them despite the fact they were a little older than me at the time.

I wasn't harmed in any least not to my knowledge. I don't talk to him anymore because my mom found out. I think that was for the best anyway.

I chose Mineta because not many people write stories about him due to the fact he's not a lot of people's favorite. But I felt that this story was fitting for him in some odd way.

Please be mindful of the warnings in the summary and the warnings at the beginning of a chapter (if there is any).

Warnings will be added along the way in the summary.

If the topics in this book does not settle well with you, I totally understand. Please do not read on.

The story starts off 12 years ago when Mineta is 16

      Minoru sighs as he picks at his slice of cake with his fork. The class was having a small celebration for making it to the next chapter of high school. But the omega felt...out of it. Lately, he's been left out of social gatherings made amongst his classmates ever since their second year slowly crept upon them. So to avoid feeling pushed out any further by them, he pushed himself away. It wasn't hard to keep his distance, but it was very lonely. Denki texted him about the party and dragged him along despite his efforts of making up excuses just to be alone. Even with the lively students around. He didn't feel welcomed.

Minoru stands up from his seat on the couch and sets his cake down on the table. Shouto looks over at him with a curious look. "Where are you going", he asks.

      Minoru turns his head to the alpha and grins. "I'm just tired. I'm gonna be in my room."


Minoru excuses himself and heads up the stairs. No one else payed any attention to him—not that he needed them to anyways. Once he was in his room, he crashes into his bed and starts looking through social media. Minoru could hear laughter from down the hallway. It felt like their laughter was mocking his loneliness. But he only smiles because he didn't feel frustrated by them.

       I'm glad they're having fun. He slips his earbuds into his ears and starts looking through reels. He turned up the volume slightly to overpower the laughter. Even though he knew that that would not be necessary as his classmates' were far from his room.

      It wasn't long before a banner appeared on his screen.  His dark round eyes look at the message with interest. No one ever texted him on Instagram unless it was Denki sending him some memes or scammers. This message was from someone under the username sweet_nirvana. Minoru couldn't help but stare at the caption, sweet_nirvana wants to send you a message.

The purple haired teen sighs and taps the bar and watched as Instagram sent him to the chat. He was sure that it was just another scam, but no—the message only said 'hey' with a smiley face. I guess...I could humor them. Minoru texts 'hey' back. He hadn't even switched back over to reels fast enough before the person replied back.

sweet_nirvana: What are you up to?

That's...a strange thing to ask so suddenly. Minoru replies back with 'nothing much'. And he gets another message quickly.

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