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The plan was simple: bury two long lines of explosives near the mouth of the cave, lure the krayt dragon out, and once its vulnerable belly was over the trap, Vanth will denonate it and kill it. When Mando and Reina reunited, the latter had just returned from her trek across the open plain. With open arms and a big smile, Reina said in a squealed voice, "There you are! I missed you," scooping up the Child, cradling it and rubbing its velvety ear.

"Notice anything?" Mando asked, minding his partner's cheerful disposition with the baby. It were the simple moments like it that made him helplessly grin underneath his helmet. Reina looked up and her smile wavered. "Yeah, actually, I did. And I really hope you brought more explosives than this."

"It's that big, huh?" The Mandalorian sighed. "How did you figure out its size?"

"Long story." Reina cleared her throat, squeezing the baby in her arms close to her chest. "I'll tell you later if we both survive this."

"Your optimism is promising."

"Hey, you two." Vanth showed up between them. "I got word we are getting close to setting up the trap. I suggest we get into position."

"Will do." Reina nodded and followed the Marshal. As Mando watched her walk away, he had a strange feeling that something happened to his partner while she was alone on that mountain. He hoped she would keep her word and tell him the truth once they passed this ordeal.

Soon, everyone: the Tuskens, the Mos Pelgo civilians, the Marshal, Mando, and Reina were in position and awaiting orders to begin the attack. The Tuskens were armed with large crossbows. The explosives were all buried. Everyone had at least some sort of weapon in their hands. Three Sand people approached the mouth of the cave. They shouted their call into it, provoking on the sleeping krayt dragon.

A bellow resonated from the cave, followed by some deep growls and the rippling of sand towards the small army. The dragon's head emerged, opening it's gigantic jaws as it pushed towards the fleeing Tuskens. Reina side-eyed the Marshal, whose mouth gaped slightly at the sight. "Vanth, courage. Focus." She breathed next to him, looking back at the charging beast.

The troops down below fired their crossbows, harpooning the dragon in it's pointed snout. It didn't seem to mind as its jaws clamped down and began slithering back into its home. The Sand people grabbed hold of the ropes attached to the harpoons and pulled with all their might to keep the dragon out. But the dragon easily snapped the rope and pulled along the Tuskens like they were nothing. The civilians shot their rifles and chunked rocks at the beast to provoke it. That seemed to be doing the trick, as the dragon screeched and rolled forward, its mouth wide open to swallow the retreating soldiers. Reina gulped and took out her sensor rifle.

"I have to go help."

"Wait, Reina!" Mando called, but he missed her arm as she bolted over the ledge and down the slope towards the screaming civilians. Mando bit his lip underneath his helmet and looked through his scope. "It just needs to come a little further. Wait for me, Vanth. Come on, you worm. Come on."

Reina sprinted once she hit flat land, shooting her sensory rifle at the dragon's eye. She tripped in her tracks as she stopped, though, when she noticed the dragon raising its neck and sucking in. It then reguritated acid, vaporizing poor civilians and Tuskens. The smell was rancid. With that attack, it put the dragon right on top of the explosives' pit. She heard Mando shout "Now!" from the ledge, and the bombs were denotated. A series of explosions erupted underneath the beast's belly. Once the smoke cleared, the monster had buried itself.

Reina sensed it wasn't dead. But there was more...She could feel it rippling underground through her feet. She stood absolutely still while everyone else panicked and tried to recuperate. She could feel it retreating back to the mountain, but not into the cave, but up...

SEE ME, SEE YOU: Series TwoWhere stories live. Discover now