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T/W - Su*c*de attempt

January 15th 1909

The beach sand was a combination of cold and gritty under Amity’s feet that night. It was around two in the midnight  and she had just managed to close from work.

It was her birthday and she did not have anyone to spend it with. As much as she liked being alone it would have been nice to get even one birthday wish today.

She missed her mother so much. She had complained about them being poor all the time but at least her mother had made sure to get her a cupcake and make her favourite foods consistently on each of her birthdays.

After she had left home last year, all the comfort that her mother had represented had become a distant memory which felt like they may have been dreams sometimes.

She missed it so much and even remembering now did not bring back any comfort like it had the moments after she had left the castle.

She had had so many plans. She had had so many dreams but all of them had become just as distant as the memories of her mother. All she needed right now was the warm hugs her mother gave her but all she had now were the gold jewelries she had once sought.

Even those, she was only allowed to keep until her seniors found them in her belongings and took them without saying a word to her. She did not complain. She could not.

If she did, she might receive the beatings of her lifetime and even if she was feeling as depressed as she was accustomed to feeling lately, she did not want to die from that kind of pain. And she was not too low that she was going to wear jewelries that those men had given her.

They were meant to act as dog chains to keep her captive to show their possessions.

When she said she had wanted good he had meant gold with her own money or gold that she had earned in a way that made her proud. She might be ambitious but she was not ready to sink that low.

The cold brush of the wind from the sea brought Amity back from her thoughts. Instead of pulling her shawl closer, she turned it off and walked towards the sea.

At least as her last birthday gift to herself, she was going to do this. She was going to bring an end to all the bullshit she was going through. No one would care anyway.

They would not even try to find her body till she washed up towards the shore.

That is if she was not chewed up by some fishes before then. Yesterday had been one of the worst days she had had the whole year. Scoundrelly client after scoundrelly client and many others of the same disgusting caliber.

She needed rest. Someone might think that she was choosing death over life because she had not achieved the things that she had wanted to. Dreams that the few people she had told had called bullshit.

They had told her that it was never going to happen. The only one that had believed her was her mother but even she had warned her about the outside world. She had not listened.

Of course, she had not. That was why she found herself at the beach on her nineteenth birthday about to take her own life.

It was not that surprising to her that this had been the final thing that she had resorted to though.

She had always known that she sought some form of control in every part of her life. It was why she had hated being a servant and it was why she had always known that she was going to take her own life someday.

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