Chapter 8

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The next day after Amity had first started her duty as the princess's hand maid, Amity went back to the princess's room regardless of the peculiar run in with the queen, it was still Amity's duty to help the queen get ready.

Amity would be lying if she said she was not a little worried about the encounter with queen but she had to admit that she was more worried about the princess than what the queen would do if she found out that the Amity went back to the princess 's room to do her duties.

When Amity got to the princess's room, like the day before, the princess was already awake and seemed to had bee anxiously waiting for someone.

Probably Amity.

This was proven as right after Amity had knocked, the princess opened the door and pulled Amity in the room by her wrist.

Right in the middle of the room, the princess turned to look sorrowfully at Amity and unsurprisingly began to apologise
"I am deeply sorry about yesterday Amity. I should have told you about mother"

And Amity like always shook her head and said "You do not have to apologise your highness. What happened yesterday was not your fault"

Amity did not repeat the same lines she and every servant had been using for decades when treated like garbage by any one in the royal family. It was not like most royals apologise d for wrongs anyway.

Amity meant what she said and the princess could see that so she dropped the matter. For that moment at least.
After the princess had taken her bath, Amity helped her get dressed, without touching the princess's hair of course.
They both waited for the queen together.

They had both learnt their lessons. Amity had questions but as usual, it was not her place to question or ask.
Whilst the princess sat on the chair in front of the dresser and Amity stood behind her, making sure to keep her distance, lest the queen mistook her proximity for actually combing the princess's hair.

When the queen entered the princess's room, she glanced over at where Amity stood and the princess sat. The Queen walked towards them and moved to stand behind the princess, making sure she stood in a way that made Amity have no choice but to move back.

After what must have been more than half an hour, the queen was done with the princess's hair. Amity had to admit that it was beautifully and intricately braided and woven into an elegant style.

But it looked painful.

Amity could tell that the princess was in pain through the mirror but trying to hide it from her mother probably.

"There, a decorous coiffure befitting of a royal princess " The queen said, making sure that everyone in the room knew she was slandering Amity and what she had done on the princess's hair the day before.

"Thank you mother" responded the princess in what was without doubt an attempt to gladden her mother, the Queen and take her mind off Amity.
It seemed to work as the Queen nodded and told the princess that they should go to breakfast.

As the two royals made their way out, Amity made to follow but the older of the two turned and said "I forgot to mention earlier but you are not to attend our meals. We like to keep our meal times as intimate as possible. Wait outside the princess's room and only enter when she permits you to".

"Understood, your majesty " Amity responded with a small bow. When she lifted her head again, her eyes met the princess's and the princess gave Amity an apologetic smile. Amity smiled back and bowed again .

After the two royals had left, Amity stood outside like the Queen had instructed and waited for the princess to return.

A giggle echoed from the stairwell through the entire hallway. It sounded like a woman. Amity did not know of any other royal ladies apart from the Queen and the princess that lived in the palace at that moment.

AMITYOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora