Chapter 9

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**FLASHBACK ** February 14th 1910

“I should have known you would start wanting more after the measly gifts you have been receiving from your patrons”

Confused, Amity looked up from where she had been forced to kneel. The older girl that stood in front of her while two other girls held her down was one of the girls who had been at the brothel the longest.

Which meant she had some sort of seniority over the other girls. The other girls holding her down had come later but still before Amity so Amity was still supposed to respect them.

Amity first decided to keep quiet and try to understand the situation because she was at mostly puzzled.

What could these girls be talking about?

When she did not respond, it seemed that infuriated the girl that stood before her as the girl took hold of Amity’s hair and held Amity’s face up.
“I am talking to you and you have the audacity to shut you mouth and not give me a response?”

But Amity knew, even if she had said something, this would have been the result.

Which was proved right after Amity said “I do not know what you are speaking of so I can not give a response" the hand in her hair tightened it’s hold.

“You dare to speak to me like this?”
And Amity resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Was she not the one that asked Amity why she was not speaking?

“Anyway" she lifted a piece of jewellery up. It was a chain. Emerald green stones and gold were used to make it.

“I found this in your stuff. Mine which resembled this one went missing yesterday and you just happened to have something this expensive and similar in your stuff?”

Oh. She was going to accuse Amity of stealing.

The girl that stood in front continued “I showed this to my friends and they confirmed that this is mine. I wonder how it got into your bag"

Despite the hand in her hair and the effort it caused for Amity to roll her eyes she still did.

“You went into my stuff?”

And the girl scoffed  “That is not of importance. Why did you steal from me?”

“But I did not steal from you. I’ve never seen this jewel in my life till today”.

“Are you accusing me of lying?” the girl asked as if in disbelief.

“Are you accusing me of stealing?” Amity countered in the same tone the girl had used.

“Well, did you or did you not steal from me?”

“I do not steal"
After Amity said this, the girl laughed.

“Everyone can say that. But no one here can deny that they have probably taken something that did not belong to them.”

But Amity was adamant.
“I do not steal" .

And the girl nodded.
“Alright then.  Prove it"

And Amity said “Prove that you found this in my bags. Prove it.”

“Well I cannot do that as I already have it in my hands".

Nodding , despite the girl’s hand in her hair, Amity agreed “Of course you cannot. And I can probably go and look a my bags now and find nothing out of place.  You could have at least messed up my things and that would have provided you with evidence but you did not think of that did you?”

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