chapter 8

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(A/N: Ayo! mob here, couldn't upload for a while because of a blackout caused by a bitch typhoon. Only now I got to charge my phone. )

Kiyotaka pov****


Closing the door behind I then ran towards the window and pulled the curtains together, covering the view of the misty streets where ghosts and wraiths roamed.

Right now I'm back in my room, taking off my hooded cloak I laid down on the bed with my blazers on. Even though it has a little sweat from me fully sprinting, I'm just wearing it on as a precaution for when they come at me, saving me time putting it on.

Okay, enough thinking and let's just rest. After using that ability I call "pulse fire" which I got from when Tobias threw the card. I think it triggered something in me when I saw the intricate designs. The reason why the explosion got delayed was because the magical energy went inside me. I think.

There is no longer energy in my body. I can't move!

Heck, even if one of them phase through the walls right this instant I wouldn't be able to fight back.
I thought I could use that ability indefinitely. Unfortunately, no.

That night I dreamt about a giant demon with wings wreaking havoc on the battlefield, I also saw a bright light floating across the dead bodies. Ignoring all the enemies around me I chased after it, I don't know why, but I was attracted to it. When I finally catched up, grasping it in my hands I...

Woke up.

Yeah... I woke up, as for that power I used against the fat man, I was only thinking of how it would be nice if he just died. And he did. Activating it is the same as glaring at people I guess?

I rally can't explain it.

I do hope to get up soon, I can't just do nothing.


"who is it?"

Sigh, why am I even asking...


The door exploded and disfigured human souls rushed inside. Some didn't have limbs as they dragged themselves using their teeth, others lack eyes, ears and even a head.

Before they got close I took a deep breath and adjusted my mood into a sour one.













Huh? Why isn't it activating?! I kept my eyes on the unwanted visitors hoping that pulse fire would kill all of them. Sadly, reality is a harsh mistress.

A light popped on top of my head, but I couldn't move right now, so I can't see it.

A hand grabbed my foot and digged its sharp nails onto my skin, I tried to shake it off but I still can't move!

They ripped some parts of my clothes and pants, Some of the ghostly women stopped for a moment to inspect my body and nodded with their thumb and index finger holding their chin
The others got furious as they started scratching me.
Getting judge by the dead? I feel violated right now.

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