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   Zenovia Petrova crouched on the ground leaning over the edge of the tall building looking down at the main road, The Winter Soldier next to her as they watched a distant beat up truck speeding towards them. "иди сейчас" Bucky turned towards Nova, "держи внимание" he told her making her give him a firm nod. [Go now: Keep attention]

   "Сейчас" said the voice threw the earpiece. Bucky climbed down before walking towards the middle of the street, Nova watched closely as the truck sped forward before before getting close enough to where Bucky shot a disk under it making it explode and erupt in smoke. [Now]

   He moved aside as the truck flipped over crashing down and sliding across the street, "красоваться" Nova shook her head. Bucky walked forward ripping the door off its hinges and throwing it to the side before looking into the truck. [Show off]

   Nova squinted trying to get a closer look incase her eyes deceived her, "он ушел" Bucky's voice said. The line was silent until he spoke again, "отступить сейчас" he yelled. Bucky looked up to Nova, she sighed angrily before getting down there, in a matter of seconds they were gone. [He's gone: Retreat now!]


   After getting scolded and yelled at Nova and Bucky were able to track down we're Fury had gone, after further examination they realized it was Steve's house. It only took a couple minutes before they were told to engage, "не пропустите" Nova warned as Bucky aimed into the window. [Don't miss]

   Nova and Bucky ducked down "ярость утихла" Nova said into her earpiece, there was static before "отличный солдат" he said. Nova smirked turning to Bucky, "закрой его" he rolled his eyes. [Fury is down: Good job soldier: Shut it]

   Bucky and Nova turned to eachother hearing hurried steps, they smiled before getting up and running. Bucky barely kept up, but just before Rogers could see Nova jumped onto a taller building keeping distant. "он в погоне" Nova said into her earpiece, "Вы знаете, что делать" he responded. "да" she said. [He's in pursuit: You know what to do: Yes]

   Bucky and Nova ran hearing hard footsteps followed by wreckage, "он быстро" Nova smirked speeding up. Bucky jumped down on a roof as Rogers jumped behind him, "защита" Nova called. [He's fast: Shield]

   Bucky turned around catching the shield, Nova kept running jumping down a building before looking up waiting for Bucky. A minute later he jumped down between buildings, Nova ran forward crashing into him closing her eyes. In a second they were on the grass.


"бой" Zenovia smirked tilting her head, "только бой" he called quickly. Bucky ran forward, Nova followed running forward before jumping up wrapping her legs around his neck bringing him down. [Fight: Combat only]

Bucky grunted angrily before pushing Nova off causing her to go flying back while spinning, she steadied herself making her body flip back as she landed on her two legs and arm sliding back.

She smiled getting up, "сбить ее с ног" he yelled. Nova ran forward and so did Bucky as he tried to punch her, she smiled catching his fist glaring at him. She pushed his fist back before kicking him back full force causing him to go flying back. [Knock her down]

"плохой боец" Nova called as Bucky fell on the ground with a thud, Nova scoffed before turning and walking out of there. [Bad fighter]

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