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"You handle Sitwell" Nova said as her and Bucky stood on a bridge road over the highway, "i've got it, alone" he emphasized. "Yeah right, i bet you now i'll have to end up saving your ass" Nova rolled her eyes, "get on it" she said putting her hand on his chest. In seconds he was gone, Nova purposely teleported him far above the car so he'd fall a couple feet.

Nova watched from afar as Bucky fell before breaking the window and pulling Sitwell out of his seat, Bucky threw him across the road before a large semi truck finished the job. Even as Bucky got thrown forward Nova waited for his signal, she just impatiently waited.

Nova scolded when Bucky got hit with a bullet, "сейчас" Bucky growled angrily. "I want the red head" Nova said smiling was she walked forward making her fall off the bridge. In the last minute she teleported leaving her behind Natasha Romanoff.

She was to busy facing the other way to notice her which made for the perfect sneak up. Nat was able to hear her footsteps and see her shadow which made her whip around fist flying. Nova caught it with ease before kicking her back causing her to fly back and hit the wall.

Nat grunted before quickly getting up and running forward, Nova ducked missing Nat's punch making her stumble. "Who are you!" Nat said breathing heavy as she stood up straight, "im surprised you don't remember" Nova's russian voice said.

Nat furrowed her brows dodging Nova's punch, "sorry but i've gotta run" Nova glared swinging her hands up as a light blue shield covered the bullets that flew forward. "Ah" Nova was thrown of balance letting Natasha get away, Bucky jumped down helping her up before both of them went after her.

Bucky and Nova stopped upon hearing Nats voice, Bucky threw an explosive making the car it landed on blow up. Nat jumped forward and on him and before Nova could do anything Captain America showed up.

"I've been waiting for you" Nova walked forward, she broke out in a run jumping up and punching him. He blocked it with his shield but it still made him slide back, he quickly got up taking his shield and throwing it forward.

Nova glared punching it causing it to land harshly on the ground, "i really wish you'd stop doing that" she called angrily as she kicked the corner of the shield making it fly up to her hands before she swung it back harder.

   Cap ducked making the shield hit the wall behind him getting stuck there from so much force, Cap looked back wide eyed before turning back to Nova who was miraculously now in front of him.

   Nova punched him catching him off guard and making him fall to the ground, Cap rolled back standing back on his feet as him and Nova began fighting. Cap was seriously underestimating how strong this person was.

   Steve got thrown back bought paused hearing Nats struggled grunts, he turned back taking something from his back and throwing it to Nova. Nova caught it with ease glaring but when she turned to see what it was there was a ticking sound error the small bomb went off.

   It released electro shocks all over her body making her seize before she fell to the ground, Cap smiled proudly as the girl laid knocked out on the ground before he went off to find Nat.

   Nova opened her eyes smirking before she rolled on her back kicking her feet up before bringing them down causing her to land back on her feet. "Stupid Avenger" Nova walked forward going to find Steve again.

   Nova jumped up landing in front of Nat "hello again" Nova smiled walking forward, her and Nat began dueling again with Nova in the lead. Nat got thrown on the ground making her angry, "who are you?" Nat called.

   Nova stopped "look closer Natasha" Nova said taking a step forward, Nova brought her hand up pulling the mask down. Nat's eyes widened, "Zen" Nat said breathlessly. "You don't get to call me that" Nova kicked her causing her to knock out cold.

   She teleported to Bucky just as Sam launched a rocket, in seconds when the smoke cleared up they were gone.

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