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   "Входи, выходи, дай мне то, что мне нужно, или ты пожалеешь об этом, солдат" the captain yelled, Bucky looked down as the bottom of the jet opened. [get in get out, get me what i need or youll regret it soldier]

   "Ага-ага" Nova muttered, "погнали" she called before stepping forward and jumping out of the jet. Bucky was right behind her as they landed on a stone platform which was part of George Batroc's house. [Yeah yeah: Let's go]

Nova rolled on the floor being careful not to hurt herself before walking forward, Bucky followed her moves as they entered the house. Nova rolled on the ground hiding in plain sight as they looked around the house, "его здесь нет" Novia said looking around. [He's not here]

   "мы будем ждать" Bucky walked forward taking a seat in a chair next to a table and lamp, "у тебя нет второй мысли, не так ли?" Nova squinted at him. Bucky looked up, "нет" Bucky grumbled. [We'll wait:You're not having second thoughts are you?:No]

  "врун" Nova muttered just before they heard the door open, "светофор" Bucky responded. Nova waved her hand making the lights go out, she walked back leaning next to Bucky in the chair as they heard footsteps approaching. [Liar: Lights]

   The lights turned on and they were able to see George walk into the kitchen and open the fridge pulling something out, before he turned around and caught sight of the soldiers. "I'm going to go Mr. Pierce, you need anything before i leave?" A womens voice called.

   "No...uh it's fine Renata, you can go home" Pierce called back, not looking away from the two intruders in his house. "Okay night night!" Renata called, "goodnight" Pierce called back.

   He gulped as the door closed, "you want milk?" he asked turning to get a glass. "The timetable has moved, our window is limited" Pierce said pouring milk and taking a sip. "We're getting tired of waiting" Zenovia spoke with a thick Russian accent, "two targets, level six" Pierce said as he came over to sit across from Bucky.

"They already cost me Zola, i want confirmed death in 10 hours" Pierce said, they turned hearing the same women from before. "Sorry Mr. Pierce I..." she stopped upon seeing the two soldiers, "i forgot my phone" she stuttered taking a step back.

"Oh Renata, i wish you would have knocked" Pierce shot her twice.


"Зеновия" Bucky called making Nova pause on hitting the trainer, "ты им нужен" Bucky said. "в теме" she nodded, she swung her foot up turning around before slamming it down hitting the trainers head making him knock out unconscious on the ground.
[Zenovia: They need you:On it]

"Ситуэллс был скомпрометирован, его нужно устранить" Pierce said, Nova turned to Bucky and he nodded. "We've got it handled" she said smirking.
[Sitwells been compromised he need to be terminated:]

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