Uneven Breast

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Facts about having an uneven breast. (Resources from Google)

➪A lot of things come in matched sets, but breasts aren’t usually one of them. Breast asymmetry—when breasts vary in size, shape, or position—is very common. It’s considered normal when even fully developed breasts aren’t the same size. The difference is most likely due to normal growth variations that are genetically driven. That means if your mother or grandmother had asymmetrical breasts, chances are that you may, too.

➪Breast asymmetry is often noticed as early as puberty. 1 In adolescence, when breasts start to develop, one breast may grow more quickly than the other. The reason for this “size differential” isn’t clear—it may because girls have more breast tissue cells on one side, or the cells may be more sensitive to the effects of the hormone estrogen, which causes breast tissue cells to grow. Usually, the other breast will start to “bud” shortly after, though it can take a while for it to catch up and even out.

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