Broken Hearts Part 3

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Chapter Three: Annabelle

When I head back into the house, I'm still in shock that Tate came by. I'd assume I was dreaming if I wasn't holding the bouquet he gave me. The door bangs shut behind me and Savanah comes out of the kitchen. "Oh, those are so pretty. Let me put them in some water for you. Where did they come from?" she asks.

Following her into the kitchen Prue and Olivia look up from doing the dishes, "Tate brought them by," I announce, my voice cracking.

Silence descends on the room. Savanah's hand stops in mid-air and it's like the whole room is holding their collective breath. "I didn't even see Tate," Prue finally pipes up.

I shake my head, "He didn't come in. I saw him standing outside on the lawn and went out to him," I tell them.

"How was that? Are you okay? What did he say?" Olivia peppers me with questions.

"Well, he didn't say much. Just that he wanted to come by and pay his respects. My mom and Tate always got along. I know she always regretted that I found out she was sick and didn't marry Tate. I was in shock and looking back I see what a stupid decision it was. I was just scared and I panicked. Today was the first time we've spoken to each other, it felt kind of awkward yet nice at the same time," I confess to the girls.

I sit at the kitchen table and Prue makes me a cup of coffee in the Keurig. She's kind enough to make it an Irish coffee and makes sure it's strong. Taking a sip, I sigh deeply, "I wish I could go back in time and do it all over, but I can't and all I can do is live with the consequences of my choices. I've been sending Tate a letter a week for almost eight months now, without any response. I refuse to give up. Maybe I'm naïve to think that he might someday forgive me, but I feel like I have to keep trying. My mother made me promise to not give up on Tate. It was the last thing she asked me to do and I refuse to let her down.

A couple of weeks later I start working for both Savanah and Prue. After caring for my mom I decided I didn't want to go back to work at the hospital. Life has been so hard and full of sadness and grief these past eight months, I want to do something that brings me joy. Working with my friends will do just that so I asked if I could work for them. Half the week I'll be in the bakery and the other half of the week I'll be in the bookstore.

It's near the end of the week and I'm working in the bookstore today so Prue can have a day off. It's over a hundred degrees outside and the air is thick with humidity. I have the radio tuned into the weather station as our area has been under a tornado advisory for most of the day. Just after lunch I hear the chime above the door and look up to see Tate coming into the store. When he sees me, he momentarily stops before continuing to the mystery/thriller section of the store.

I take a deep breath and head over to see if I can help him find a book or even make a recommendation. I know exactly what he likes to read so it makes my job a little bit easier. "Hi there Tate. Is there anything I can help you find?" I ask coming up behind him.

I see his shoulders tense and take a small step back, "I just came in to pick up a couple of new books. The to be read pile is getting pretty small," he says, keeping his back to me.

"Okay, I'll leave you to browse. If you have any questions, just give me a holler," I tell him.

"Will do," he says, taking a book off the shelf and flipping it over to the back cover to read the blurb.

I wander back to the counter area and continue to check off an order that's been delivered. Suddenly the tornado sirens go off and the radio is urging everyone to take immediate cover. Tate is the only one in the store and he's already looking in my direction having heard the siren.

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