Broken Hearts Part 6

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Chapter Six: Tate

As I get into my truck I feel horrible. I know that I've unintentionally hurt Annabelle and it's the last thing I wanted to do. We just got carried away at the moment and we shouldn't have. There's too much history between us and so much we have to talk and figure out. It was just so hard to keep my hands to myself around her. We've always had intense chemistry and fire that's burned between us. I start the truck and back out of her driveway and head home. I still haven't been home to see if I even have a house that's still standing.

Dusk has fallen and it makes driving home a bit tricky but I make it home in a decent amount of time. I sit in the truck and stare at the house. It looks untouched by the storm and my mind takes a trip down memory lane to the day I brought Annabelle to first look at this house.

It was just over a year ago that I bought the house. When I first saw it, I knew Annabelle would love it. I instantly envisioned us filling the home with children and love, while we grew old together. Sure enough, when I brought Annabelle to see the house, she fell instantly in love with it, and the next day I made an offer.

When she ended our engagement, I almost sold the house and moved, but something has held me here. Has compelled me to stay. If I'm being honest, I think a part of me has secretly hoped we'd find a way to be together again and I couldn't imagine living anywhere else with Annabelle.

I head inside and bump into a side table and a kitchen chair before reaching the counter and opening the junk drawer to pull out my industrial flashlight. I flick it on and grab an extra set of batteries and make my way upstairs. I'm too tired to bother with candles, it's been a long day. My goal is to just read a book for a bit before I turn in for the evening. I'll have to wait until morning to check the outside of the house for any damage.

I pull out one of the books Annabelle picked out for me and get settled on the bed. I love to spend an hour or so reading at the end of my day before I go to sleep. Of course, sometimes I end up reading for much longer when the book gets really interesting and I end up sacrificing my sleep.

My mind drifts to the events of the day. If someone had told me yesterday that I'd be making love to Annabelle on her couch today, I would've called bull shit. I'm so conflicted about what I want to do as far as she's concerned. A huge part of me misses her and wants nothing more than to be with her all the time and just forgive her, but there's another part of me who worries that I'll never be able to forget what she did and trust her again. Unfortunately, forgive and forget are two very different words.

I remember that I put the letters in my truck and decide to head out and get them. It's time I read them all. As I head back outside I can feel the thickness in the air and smell the sulfur. Another storm is brewing. We can only hope it's not as big as the one earlier today. I scoop the letters up and make my way back to the house. The wind is starting to pick up and I have to hold tightly onto the letters so they don't blow away.

The next thirty minutes fly by as I read the massive amount of letters. For the most part, they all say the same thing. I have to give her points for continuing to write them, even when it was clear I wasn't reading them. Maybe I can forgive her and move forward. I think deep down I want to let go of it all. I'd rather be happy with Annabelle than miserable without her.

I decide that I'll pick her up in the morning and offer to take her out for a proper breakfast. We can eat and talk about the future. My eyes are heavy and I'm about ready to go to bed when the damn siren goes off again. I hastily grab my flashlight and head out to the storm cellar. As I bolt the door shut I find myself holding my breath. The wind is really whipping out there. It definitely seems like another twister is headed our way.

My mind immediately goes to Annabelle. She must be terrified. She's all alone with the tornado siren going off. I feel so helpless, there's absolutely nothing I can do right now except wait for the storm to pass.

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