Broken Hearts Part 8

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Chapter Eight: Tate

My heart leaped into my throat when I pulled onto Annabelle's street and saw the destruction the tornado caused. When I saw most of her roof missing with a tree partially through the house, I completely panicked and when running in to find Annabelle without even thinking about if it was safe to go inside or not.

Thankfully, she seems to be fairly okay. We were able to free her from the wreckage and while she has some cuts, bruises, and a broken arm, it seems the rest of her will be okay. I'm driving behind the damn ambulance which may as well be crawling to the hospital. I know I'm being unreasonable but I can't help it. I just want to get her to the hospital and have a doctor tell me she's going to be okay.

After what seems like an eternity we make it to the hospital and I'm left to wait in the waiting room. I call Savanah and let her know what's going on. She promises to call the girls and let them know that Annabelle is okay but at the hospital. It seems that a lot of people's homes were damaged in this second tornado.

Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket. Two tornadoes in one day and my house is still perfectly fine, stand strong and perfect. I know after tonight that there's no way I'm ever letting Annabelle go again. I'm going to ask her to move in with me and have a future with me.

The doctor comes out and tells me that they're going to keep Annabelle overnight for observation but that barring any complications she can go home the next day. He shows me to her room and leaves me to go in and see her.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I ask her from the doorway.

"Well, I feel like I had a house fall on me. Oh wait, that actually happened, so I think I'm doing okay," I say with a laugh.

I can tell Tate's trying not to laugh but he gives in and cracks a smile. "It's a little soon to be making those kinds of jokes," he says.

"You're right I'm sorry," I tell him sincerely.

Tate paces beside the bed, "Listen, I know we have a lot to figure out but I realized tonight how much I want my future to be with you. I don't want us to keep hurting each other, it's just not worth it in the grand scheme of things," he tells me.

My insides are warm and I grin from ear to ear, "I would really like that too Tate," I tell him and reach out my good hand to grab his.

"I know this may seem soon and sudden but my house, well our house, wasn't damaged in the storm, did you want to just move in with me when you leave the hospital? I can go to the house and scavenge whatever I can from your house while you're here and bring it back to the house," he says smiling.

I pull up a chair beside Annabelle and hold her hand until she drifts off to sleep. I doze off myself and when I wake I leave Annabelle a note telling her that I'll be back later and that I love her. 

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