Jemma kendel

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Hey guys I was just bored so yeah I decided to do this... I know it's not very inventive but I wanna see were it goes...
Oh well on with the story
Btw if you haven't noticed I don't own PJO

Hey guys my name is Jemma and I am a nerd. Well, I was anyway until a girl took me under her wing and made me the most popular girl in school and I will tell you that story now.

Here we gooooooooooo!

I was walking back from 5th period, which was just before lunch when I saw her and by her I mean a girl who was exceptionally hot ( not like that!!) . Like dayyym she was like the sun!

Because I was (at that time) about to be punched by my loving bullies..... I didn't really have enough time to stand there and watch, but I knew that I wanted to impress this new person. Cara ( the schools' most popular girl *cough* slut *cough*) was in the middle of telling me how ugly and lame I was and how weird I was because I studied, when the girl stood in the middle and simply told Cara to go away. I knew that Cara would not simply just go away so I walked into the middle of them again and spat on Cara. She ran away crying about how this might have smudged her makeup. Whimp.

To say I was shocked at what I had done was an understatement. Cara had been teasing me and bulling me since like 3rd grade.

I was shocked out of my reverie by the girl clapping and saying something. I realised that she was saying her name and that her name was Annabeth Chase-Jackson.
"What a pretty name." I said
"Thanks," she replied playing with her hair, I think it was a sign that she was nervous, debating in her head whether to say something, and she said " I'm still getting used to it because it only changed last week."
"Why did it change?" I inquired.
"Because I got married." oh that was the reason that she was debating whether to tell me or not. Maybe she though I would tease her, but I definitely wouldn't because a) I knew what it is like to be teased and b) because I saw the way her eyes lit up when she talked about him.
"Congrats!" I said to her. She looked quite shocked that I had accepted this without saying anything mean or snarky.
"Thanks. So do you wanna go to the beach and then you can meet him and some of my other friends there, after lessons of course? Oh and whats your name?" She asked.
"Really?" I said because no one usually asks me on these outings, "and my names Jemma Kendel."
"Of course. And what a pretty name." she said imitating what I had said earlier.

______oops the line broke______

It was 5 minutes before the bell ran to signal the end of the day and I was sitting in my maths classroom thinking to myself that I was actually becoming a normal teenager, when a saw a pair of red eyes on an abnormally sized dog with sharp teeth. I nearly screamed but gladly I didn't otherwise I would have gotten some weird looks from my classmates who didn't seem to have noticed it. The beast kinda reminded me of a hellhound from Greek mythology but obviously that stuff isn't true, right?

Anyway, back to the story. After my first glimpse of the "hellhound" I knew that I wanted to go and investigate. I saw that Annabeth had also noticed it ( at least I wasn't the only one) and was getting up and pulling- was that a dagger- out from her pocket.

I gasped upon seeing that it was in fact dagger with a sharp point. The class turned to look at me. I pretended to cough to cover up my gasp. My class had obviously not noticed Annabeth's dagger.

Annabeth had already to put her hand up and was saying to the teacher that she needed the bathroom, which was my excuse, so I had to think of another one quickly. I came up with
"Oh, Annabeth's new. Miss, do you want me to show annabeth where the toilets are?"
Miss actually agreed, I was proud of my quick thinking.

Annabeth and I both left the classroom and as soon as we were out of earshot I had her pinned to the wall ( which obviously shocked her, like no one could usually do this to her) and whisper- shouted
"Why the hell do you have a dagger and what the hell was that thing."
"Do you want to go to the beach now I'll phone my friends to tell them we'll be there soon and I'll explain everything on the way there?" She asked.
"Yes." was my very smart reply, my dad in heaven would be proud. He died when I was two according to mom, I don't remember anything about her.

We got in the car and started driving to the beach.

" Do you know Greek mythology?" She asked. She then told me that my dad was a Greek God and that that beast I saw actually was a hellhound. Of course I don't believe her but she doesn't need to know that.

When we got to the beach I saw a beach house and I saw that we were pulling up outside it.
"Is this your house." I asked.
"Yes, mine and Percy's (my husbands) beach house."
"Whoa." is all I could muster up.

Annabeth took me up to the front door and she told me that Percy and all the boys were out, but all the girls were here getting ready.

______the line snapped :( _____

After I had met all of Annabeth beautiful girlfriends Hazel, Piper, Katie and calypso ( you should know what they look like by now!!) they took me upstairs and told me that they were going to give me a makeover.

They took off my glasses added some minimal waterproof makeup and Piper asked her mom Aphrodite to give me a perfect size bikini. ( picture up at the top) Aphrodite obliged and gave me this amazing bikini which I changed into whilst the others were getting there makeup done by Piper who was already ready.

Once we were all ready we headed downstairs and picked up some crop tops, shorts, flip- flops and shades. Then we heard the door being knocked. we all rushed to answer it. I got there first and saw a group of impossibly sexy guys. I would love to have said that I said something cool and got them all to laugh... but sadly I just fainted!!!

But before I had the chance to hit the floor I was caught and I think I was dragged to the downstairs bedroom but I don't know.

When I woke up the hottest one out of all of them was sitting next to me holding my hand but looking up and saying in a sexy voice,
"I think that she was just to mesmerised by my good looks."
"Yeah right Conner!" Said another one who looked a lot like Conner but who was not quite as hot and also had Katie leaning on his shoulder so...
"Oh look she wakin' up." said Conner.

After I had actually managed to be introduced this time, I found that Katie was with Travis, Nico was with Will, Piper was with Jason and lastly but definitely not least was Annabeth was with Percy.

____the line broke up with me___

We all walked down to the coast. the sea was clear blue and you could see through it. I loved it. The sea had always been my favourite place to go.

I took of my outer clothes and heard a wolf whistle. It was Conner! I blushed.

Instead of having Conner have the pleasure of seeing me blush, I just sprinted to the water. As soon as I set foot in it, I felt a glow above my head ( I don't think this could actually happen but oh well... Sorry ;) and above me there was a glowing blue/ green trident. Percy cheered and ran up and told me that I was his half sister. We fist bumped.

Percy and I held hands and jumped into a huge wave. I decided that I wanted to test my new powers so I decided to challenge my spazzy half-bro to a race.
To cut the story short I won by a long-shot because I used the water to hold Percy back. He was obviously such a idiot (or as Annabeth says : seaweed brain) that he didn't think of that!!!
And that is the tale of how I met Percabeth.

Thanks for reading and coping with me guys.
Me: Jemma do the disclaimer
Jemma: fine, she does not own any of the PJO characters but she owns me...sadly...
Me: what was that * puts dagger to Jemma's throat*
Jemma: *gulps*
Me: that's right be afraid

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