Bobby Freeman part 2

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Thank you guys, it's great to see ur comments because they really inspire me to write more. I have been asked to do a part two so here it is....

Bobby's pov

After the scene I made in the chapel, I started to think that maybe my decision was a bit irrational...! I mean I do love Calypso, but she made it pretty clear that she didn't feel the same way, and I kinda have now figured that I loved her as a best friend and I mistook my feeling for those of romance, not friendship.

As I sat by the lake, about a mile away from the chapel, I thought I heard a familiar voice. I turned around and saw the person to whom the familiar voice belonged.

They looked very angry and if looks could kill I would be dead about twenty times! They walked towards me and started to shout,
"How dare you interrupt her wedding, you had no right. Why did you do it? Did you not think about the consequences that it might corse? No of course not, because you're just that selfish. It's lucky I love you because otherwise I would be killing you right now." wait what he loves me?

As if he read my mind, he said quite tenderly I may add, " yes I, Marc Lightwood, love you Bobby and I am pretty sure that you don't feel the same way. So I'm just going to forget this ever happened."

I stared at Marc and tried to tell if he was telling the truth. I could see in his eyes that he was sincere. I thought about Calypso and how rational that had been and how badly that had turned out. I also thought about how Marc had always been there for me, through thick and thin. I also thought about how Calypso and just been there as a camouflage for my true feelings towards Marc.

I walked up to Marc and hugged him. we must have made quite a scene, me there with my tear stained face and him there with his anxious look of surprise on his face. Marc hugged me back.

I looked into his blue eyes and leaned closer, but he pulled away and said,
"Is this just one of your rational plans? To play with me and then ruin me?" Owch that stung, but I knew he was telling the truth. So I said,

"Marc, Calypso was just a person whom I chose to camouflage my true feeling towards you. I love you." My voice broke on those last words. I looked up at him, through my tears and smashed my lips onto his.

He kissed back and I then realised that this was who I truly was, not some jealous guy who breaks up the weddings of his best friends.

Thanks guys, please keep reviewing and commenting. also this chapter was for blackberryrose, thanks for the encouragement.

Can you guys give me some ideas for the next chapters, and what ships you want me to do, it's really helpful!!

Btw I don't own PJO... I'm not a man...I'm not even from America!!

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