Clary meadows

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Hi guys,
This is my second update today because I'm feeling really nice!!! And I never feel nice, so feel lucky!! 😉 jokes, I feel nice all the time...?!
I don't own PJO.

Clary pov

Do you know those days when you feel so good and nice and in such a good mood, and then you say something nice or do something nice to someone else and they are just like wtf happened to you. yeah well today was one of those days.

It was the spring break and I was feeling like this so I decided to go over to Piper's house to see her.

"Mom, I'm going to Piper's, I'll be back soon." I called down to her whilst sprinting down the stairs. i shouldered my backpack and ran out the door.

My name is Clary Meadows and I have red/auburn hair and brown eyes. I am not ugly as such but I definitely don't think I'm pretty. My favourite sports are swimming and tennis and I love combat ( hand to hand or boxing.... I really don't care). you might say that I am a tomboy, but I'm not. You see I'm also a major fan girl at home, like major! Every single film or book I have read since the age of twelve I had joined the fandom for it.

Anyways back to the story...

When I got to Piper's I saw that there were loads of cars parked outside her house. Like loads.... I knew her Dad was Tristan McLean but this was a lot even for him.

I walked up and rang the door bell just incase there were guests here. I heard someone running down the stairs and then a lot of footsteps all at once.

The door opened and I saw Piper standing there with a huge smile on her face, standing next to a very cute brunette (hazel), a very pretty brunette (Calypso), a very natural-looking brunette (Katie), a very goth looking girl (thalia), a very scary looking, yet hot girl (annabeth), a very bulky girl (Clarisse), a very magical looking girl ( Lou-Ellen) a very artistic looking red- head (Rachel) and a very pretty brunette (Reyna).

"Hi Piper, who are all these girls?" I asked excitedly.
She gave me a weird look but answered my question anyways.
She pointed to each one as she said their names,
"Hazel, calypso, Katie,Thalia, Annabeth, Clarisse, Lou Ellen, Rachel and Reyna. Girls this is Clary Meadows a school friend." I waved and smiled. Piper let me in and told me a little more about them, such as how Annabeth is great at Architecture and Rachel is an artist.

The girls were really nice and we all got on really well. I asked them whether they had boyfriends to which Hazel, Calypso, Katie, Annabeth and Clarisse said yes and the others said no. thalia was the best because she said that boys were stupid to which I agreed wholeheartedly with.

You may be wondering why I hate boys, the answer is that my dad left my mom when I was a baby and left mom to look after me all by herself. Apparently, according to moms friends, she hasn't been the same since.

There was a silence, which was not awkward because presumably the girls with boyfriends were dreaming about them and the girls without were dreaming about having one, and Thalia and I were dreaming of killing boys!! Yep, that was my good mood killed by boys!

The silence was broken by Piper suggesting dress shopping, to which everyone said yes, apart form Clarisse, Thalia and I. However the rest of the girls just dragged us with them!!

We got to the mall and looked at Piper, who presumably knew some good dress shops. She rolled her eyes and took us towards a shop which I swear ,on my life, had not been there a second ago. oh well...

It was huge when we got inside with dresses all shapes and sizes... how boring. Piper, Katie and Calypso squealed in delight at we entered. I rolled my eyes.

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