Oscar Williams

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Hey guys,
Pleased comment, it gives me more inspiration to write.
Hope you enjoy....

Oscars POV

I am very hot and my name is Oscar. Btw stop drooling!! ;)

I am the player at my Highschool. I was the most popular guy until this dude named Peter Johnson (I think that's his name) came along and stole my position. I don't see what's so good about him, he's not a player and he lies about having a girlfriend, I mean who would want to be his girlfriend. anyways enough time wasting my time talking about that loser, I'm off to make out with Sarah, one of my many girlfriends.

________oh dear, it cracked________

After my great time with Sarah, it was time to go to gym class. I wonder how bad Johnson (maybe it's Jackson...) is at gym, I bet you I'll thrash his ass at whatever we're doing.

I walked into the changing rooms and saw Jackson (?) there. I was quite impressed he wasn't as weak as I thought ( he had a well defined six-pack), but obviously not as muscular as me with my four-pack...

He also had some scars on his back and stomach. why...

I wonder what we are doing in gym today, maybe some push ups which I can obviously beat Peter (percy...?!) in.

I walked (*cough* sashayed *cough*) into the gym. some of the girls started drooling, ahhh my charm is so strong!

The new coach who was standing at the front of the gym introduced himself as coach Hedge.

Percy's (...?!) head whipped up.
"Coach?" He exclaimed.
"The one and only, cupcake." What the hell, cupcake. what kind of nick-name is that.... percy just laughed.

"Okay cupcakes," now he's calling us all that, ugh, " do fifty push ups and then one-hundred sit ups." All the girls complained. He just told them that, at the camp where he comes from, all the girls can do one-hundred sit ups in under two minutes! What!!! Whoa that's even quicker than me...!!!!

"GO!" coach shouted. I started knowing that obviously I would beat everyone. I was so busy concentrating on my push ups that I didn't notice that Jackson was just sitting there talking to the coach. that's sooooo unfair!!
"Coach why is jackson not doing them."
" What is your name cupcake?" He asked completing ignoring my question.
"Oscar Williams coach."
" Well Williams get moving because Jackson has already finished the push ups and the sit ups."
But that's physically impossible... I think.
I quickened my pace with the push ups and started the sit ups. in the end I finished second after Jackson.
" Next cupcakes you will be learning something that is very important to me and we teach it at our camp," hmmmm I wonder what it is, "sword-fighting."
Whoa this is some weird coach and camp.

"Okay guys I have got an instructor from camp to teach you because she is the second best fighter at camp." percy looked confused.

Then she walked in looking absolutely beautiful in her orange t-shirt, ripped skinny jeans, black combat boots and her long wavy blond hair tied back.

I heard a gasp and turned around to see Percy openly staring at the girl. the girl ignored him, smiling. and spoke,
"Hey guys, I am Annabeth Chase and you will call me Annabeth and nothing else. also do not hit on me otherwise you will be killed, not by me but by my boyfriend." Dam it she was taken... ahhh I could fix that, I bet you that I could whoop this boyfriends ass!!

"Anyways.. I will be teaching you how to sword fight. do any of you here know how to sword fight and had any practise." percy put his hand up, so I put mine up trying to prove that I was better than percy, I could probably beat him anyways.

"Okay, you two that have come up here." percy and I walked up and I winked at Annie. she fake gagged and Percy laughed.

"Okay boy go sit back down otherwise my boyfriend will come and kill you, and by the way your so fake barbie is jealous." she sassed, oh me likey. playing feisty. but I did as she said just to show that I respected her.

"Well done," she said to me like I was two, pfft yeah, " now seaweed brain and I will give you a demonstration on sword fighting and after five minutes you can have a go as well." Seaweed brain... really! I bet you she could easily take Jackson down.

" Ready, steady, go wise girl." percy said. Wise girl... really!!

Then they started, and wow it was like they were professionals. she was attacking and he was just defending her attacks like he was doing it in his sleep. But after five minutes ( as everyone was too entranced to go do as we were told) she managed to disarmed him and judo flipped him onto the ground. he gave her the puppy dog eyes when she was sitting on him. she smiled, loosing her concentration. he flipped them over, grabbed his sword which was near by and jabbed it towards her throat.

She just laughed and said,
" Again seaweed brain, I thought that boyfriends were meant to protect their girlfriends and not kill them!!" She exclaimed. wait....boyfriend?!?! Those two were dating.
" Well... I'm a very abnormal boyfriend aren't I?"
" Well your definitely special..." Annabeth said. Jackson just smirked and kissed her on the mouth very passionately.
"No PDA!" We heard Coach shout from the sidelines.
The couple just laughed.

" Go sit down seaweed brain and have a rest, I need to teach a class."

_____ skip to end of class________

The rest of the class was rally uneventful, apart from when I tried to take on percy and he disarmed me in under a second. I was so not ready.

Oh well... I really need to get back to Sarah and my group of lovely ladies.

And remember girls ( and maybe even boys... I'm not picky) I am always ready for a date!!!

Thank you for reading guys.
Please comment.

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