Chapter 2: People

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Espresso found himself making a latte, they were popular here. The main reason they got put back into business. Latte stared at him as he made it, she was looking very smug. Their feuds on what coffee is better is starting to get to him now, out of all the people he could have met he met Latte first. This would be fun. Latte walked along to him and Espresso sighed. She was going to rub it in that lattes are popular here. Espresso knew that very well. A person came to the counter to order but no one was currently there so Espresso had to step in for it. He finished the drink and called them before going to the counter. He looked at the customer in front of him. Blonde hair tied up, blue eyes and wearing a suit. This must be an important person then.

"Excuse me, can I have this? It's for my boss." The person said.

They handed the piece of paper and read what was on it. Espresso nodded, wanting to make as little contact as possible. Thanks to Latte being the owner he doesn't have to take the orders but since no one was around he had to deal with it. Espresso started making the coffee, it was an espresso, finally. He made the coffee and gave it to the person. The person seemed to be in a rush. Espresso couldn't shake the feeling that he knew this person yet he is going to ignore it. After giving the coffee the person left the store. It was a slow day, thankfully. Latte just continues to drink as she looked outside watching people pass and go. It was peaceful, unlike back on Earthbread where there would be adventure everywhere and danger everywhere.

"Sure is peaceful hm?" Latte asked.

"Indeed it is, I might take a liking to this world more now." Espresso admitted.

"Oo, but no one uses magic here." Latte said.

"Mhm, can you still perform magic?" Espresso asked.

"Indeed I can, you?" She asked in response.

"I can as well."


"Say, since it's not a busy day, mind if you tell me your story?" Latte asked.

"What do you mean?" Espresso asked in response.

"Like what happened when you got here."

"I might as well, you do the same."


They sat down by the big window, Latte having a latte with her and Espresso a cup of espresso.

"When I was teleported I was in an alleyway a little girl found me and she and her mother let me stay at their place, after that I got here and found you along with a job." Espresso explained.

"Interesting story." Latte said she was obviously intrigued.

"Yours seems interesting as well though."

"Indeed it is honestly!"

"When I was teleported I was on the sidewalk. I was seeking shelter and found a coffee shop that was being taken down, I offered to help and somewhat buy it? And they let me so now I am kind of the owner of this place now. The old one went into retirement. And now I can finally pay for my apartment-" Latte explained.


The door rang as a new customer entered the place. A person with blonde hair and a white flower in their hair. Their hair was also evenly split in the middle. Their eyes were strange, having two eye colors. Espresso and Latte took note of that. They wore a yellow jacket and white shirt, and their pants were black.

"Excuse me, I saw the "for hire" sign outside and was wondering if I could get a job." The person said, they looked around.

"Ah ok." Latte said, she stood up.

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