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Soulmates, something that everyone was granted with since birth. When a person turns 18, on their dominant wrist is where their soulmate's name will be tattooed on. To top it all up, it's also written in their soulmate's handwriting.

But not everyone view it as a positive thing though.

Some think of it as a blessing, a gift from God. They love the idea of having someone out there made just for them. The idea of having your complete half since birth is just a miracle in their eyes.

Thanks to social media, finding your soulmate had never been easier. Anywhere you go on social media, you would see young couples flashing out their wrists, proudly showing off their tattoos.

But some people viewed soulmates as a limitation. There are almost eight billion people in the world, and yet, they don't have the choice to pick the one that they want. They feel like they lack freedom since their destiny had already been carved in stone, there was no turning back.

Some even hate the system. Alot of people will walk around with tennis wrist bands for the sole purpose of covering their soulmate's name. Why would anyone want to do this? Simple, the soulmate system is not perfect.

Stories of soulmates not falling for each other, falling out of love or cheating on each other is fairly common. Reasons like these are why some people just don't believe in the soulmate system. Whether it's from a stories they heard, a past event or just thinking it's stupid, everyone has a reason to reject it.

Ushijima (Y/N) is one of those people who want to completely reject her soulmate bond, especially after seeing her parents' six years marriage crumbled when she was five.

She was originally born as (L/N) (Y/N), her parents being soulmates. Things took a turn when her father found himself a new woman. When her parents got a divorce, her father and his new lover moved in with each other.

(F/N) and his new lover somehow managed to carve out their soulmates tattoos with a pocket knife, then tattooed each other's names on their other wrists.

This doesn't sound that bad, but she was five when all of this happen, which affected her pretty hard. She remembers watching her mother crying for days and nights, punching and kicking every walls in their house. This stopped when (M/N) finally found a new guy.

The husband of (F/N)'s new lover ended up marrying to (Y/N)'s mother, which is how she got a new step-sister, Hana. After some agreement, they agreed to have (M/N)'s last name, Ushijima, as the family name.

Seeing how her mother is so much happier with her new husband and not her soulmate, (Y/N) stared at her wrist, and she decided on something. In the future, she will not let the soulmate system decide her fate. She wants to live her life with the one she loves and doing what she loves, volleyball.

Ushijima Wakatoshi, (Y/N)'s cousin sometime came over to visit, getting her into volleyball along the way. His father taught both him and (Y/N) everything about volleyball, and since they grew up playing the same role together, they became each other's favorite cousins.

These 2 ended becoming really good and famous volleyball players, both well-known across Japan. (Y/N) originally wanted to be a setter so she could practice by tossing to Ushiwaka, but decided to copy his role.

She wanted to join her older cousin and go to Shiratorizawa, but after seeing the uniforms and the fact that it's a boarding school, she changed her mind. She applied for Aoba Johsai instead, mainly because she thought the uniforms are nicer.

The moment she entered the gates though, she regretted it, all because of one person: Oikawa Tooru. He recognized her almost immediately when she entered the school, and then acted like a white blood cell the moment it see a virus.

She could just be walking down the hallway and he would glare at her for no reason other than being alive. He would scoff at her for just drinking apple juice the wrong way. This man would literally bump her shoulder, hard, every time he see a chance to do so, just because he can. This also drive his fangirls to act hostile toward (Y/N), but her fans take care of that for her.

Oikawa is also the type to cherish his soulmate, even though he's only 16/17. No matter the amount of fangirls he has, he would always decline their confession, saying how he only wants his soulmate. People like that weird (Y/N) out, and she tried to avoid them as much as possible.

If only she could see what the future holds for her.

Hello, welcome to my 3rd fanfic! I've been wanting to make this for a while now, so here it is! The prologue is really messy, but it'll get better from here. Feel free to grammar correct me!

Was publish because I finally got my Oikawa noru.

Warning: Soulmate AU mixed with Enemies/Rivals to Lovers, the slow burn will exist.

Warning: Soulmate AU mixed with Enemies/Rivals to Lovers, the slow burn will exist

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