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i walked through the door with you, the air was cold but something about it felt like home somehow.

— after getting in a fight with your parents who were persistent enough to tell you that you'll move to abroad next month when you didn't want to, manjiro also had plans for you. he wanted you to finally meet his family. he thought it was the right time since it was christmas the next day, it was the time they meet mikey's special someone who is mentally stronger than him and could handle his shit neatly.

"it's snowing..." i slowly opened my freezing fist into a palm to catch a cold snowflake.

"that's why i told you to wear a scarf. i can tell the weather, you know." and here comes mikey's neverending lectures as if he really knows best on what to wear since he's a human weather detector, except he really is.


"hmm? what is it?" he turned his attention to you and was not letting go of your hand.

"i'm nervous love..."

he has already heard this for the nth time, mikey sighs as he was fixing your red scarf, tying it to your neck and not leaving a trace of skin behind for the cold to smother it.

"they will absolutely love you. you don't have to worry." he gave a reassuring smile, held your hand again and you nodded as a sign that you were ready to face his family.

he opens the door and you were surrounded by a warm welcome.

the air was indeed cold but his home, also felt like home to you.

all too well - s.manjiroWhere stories live. Discover now