Eating Out

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As the candle went in, out, in, out and so forth, you start to get a strange feeling in your heart. A feeling that you've never had before. A feeling that your pussy was made for Ed, not the candle.
But as it tightened its grip on the cirtusy, wet candle, you brush away the thoughts and wipe away the cum with your musty top.
This feels so good you think. You need music now. You turn on your Samsung A40 and select shuffle. CPR (cupcakke remix) starts playing.
AUGHHHHH. You change the lyrics to 'candle'.
'I save that CANDLE by giving it cpr' you let out a gasp of hornyness
Eddy boy is ringing you. Your ringtone is WAP, but it just doesn't hit anymore. But the candle does, and so does Ed on snap.
He sends a sexy photo of his beautiful face, which sends a flood of cum out your pussyhole, the hole thats made for Ed.
You send a picture back of the candle up yourself, Ed opens it, takes a screenshot, and sends a voicemail of him moaning 'Bad Habits'. Wow, that was so sexy, you're such a thot for Ed.
Eddy-boy says 'i'm hungry, can i eat out at 10 😏'
You are flattered.
'of course, heh' you send a voicemail back.
You check snapmap. Eddy's on his way.
You roll your eyes as you take out the candle. Heaven really was a place on Earth.

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