~ their toxic trait ~

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Amane Yugi
- is really distant
- he never talks about how he feels especially when he's down
- this could get really frustrating to you
- you express multiple times how you're there for him and anything he says will never change the way you see him but this isn't enough to convince him
- he just pushes you away

Yashiro Nene
- if she would have to have one i think it was be guilt trip
- she would make you feel bad if leave without her saying she needs you by her side
- she relies on you to save her from dangers
- overall just make you feel like a bad person

Minamoto Kou
- gets easily jealous
- this is the cause to most of your arguments
- you could be briefly looking at a guy and he assumes you like him
- reassuring was pointless in those few moments
- this causes you to distance yourself to people just to not cause misunderstanding with him

Minamoto Teru
- can be really harsh
- you guys can be talking about something or something you're really passionate about and if he's not in the mood he'll just smile towards you sarcastically and say "i don't care"
- sometimes will call you annoying and just leave after that
- sometimes he won't apologize for it

Aoi Akane
- is really sarcastic and i don't mean that in a good way
- it could get really hurtful at times
- like when you didn't know something and explain to him
- "akane! did you know sea otters hold hands when they sleep so they don't float away from each other!" you say excitingly
- "oh my gosh really! i thought they fly when they sleep! duh everyone knows that's, it's common sense."
- he makes you feel stupid sometimes

Tsukasa Yugi
- can be really straightforward with his responses and although this can be a good thing at time, he can be really brutal with what he says
- rude and hurtful
- "do wanna hold hands?" you ask
- "nah not really" and just floats away
- doesn't know his limits
- doesn't really know how to comfort you so if you're in a bad state of mind, best believe he won't help you on that

Nanamine Sakura
- can be cold and distant
- so monotone in her responses
- you never know if she even enjoys your company by the lack of response or affection
- can be blunt as well

Hyuuga Natsuhiko
- such a narcissist
- flirts with others
- he doesn't think of it as a big issue
- can be a bit forceful with his pda
- doesn't understand when you tell him you feel uncomfortable
- "it's just a kiss? what's wrong with that"
- manipulative

Mitsuba Sousuke
- can be very rude
- doesn't understand his limits on when he's taking it to far
- never apologizes when he does hurt your feelings
- never believes he's in the wrong so he never apologizes

- VERY cold
- distant
- rude and straightforward
- can make you feel stupid too
- isn't really affectionate so when you ask for it he declines
- honestly it doesn't even feel like you guys are dating

Yamabuki Lemon
- never pays attention to you
- always on his phone
- even when you guys text he responses so dry
- takes days to reply
- you're always the one making conversation, he doesn't even try

Shijima Mei
- very childish, so she never takes your responses seriously
- maybe manipulative
- can be very sarcastic, so she'll sometimes take this too far
- will be forceful if you do something she doesn't like

Akane Aoi
- can be very rude with her words
- blunt too
- apathetic
- doesn't really care for your interests
- isn't really affectionate either so when you try to make a move she'll move away

(a/n: any requests, I HAVE SUCH WRITERS BLOCK

also you guys are really something with these comments, trust me i've read them and let's just say my eyes have seen some things T-T)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2022 ⏰

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