~ tsuchigomori catch up ~

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how you guys meet pt. 1 & 2
- it was June 1969
- it's been a year since you've been a teacher at Kamome Academy
- you had a peculiar interest in your fellow coworker, Tsuchigomori-sensei
- well this all happened before your disappearance in 1971
- now taken place in the present
- after hearing about your disappearance, Tsuchigomori hasn't been the same
- a bit more distance, colder, i guess you could say your disappearance took a huge impact on him
- he was busy cleaning up his classroom when he suddenly saw someone passed by his room
- no it couldn't be
- he stopped what ever he's doing and ran towards them
- "y/n?!"
- he called out your name and to his surprise you turned around and...it was you
- he didn't know how to react
- i mean he was happy seeing you again but also confused
- you didn't even say anything you just smiled at him and walked away

- he didn't see you after that day
- but what did bother him was that you still looked the same...it's been 49 years since your disappearance but yet you still looked young
- you were around your mid 20 when you were a teacher, if it's been 49 years you would've been in your 60s....so why did you still look like you're in your 20s?
- he was lost in thought that he didn't even know you were right in front of him
- "hey" you said in a soft tone
- he jumped
- "h-h-hey" he was really startled, dropping everything on his desk
- "woah i don't remember you being the clumsy type"
- you giggled
- oh how he missed your laugh
- "i've really missed you"
- he didn't know you felt that way, hearing you say that made him realize how much he's missed you
- then he started crying, you slowly approached him and gave him a hug
- "i'm sorry"
- you felt so guilty for everything but right now you can't tell him what happened

when he realize his feelings
- he had some feelings for you when you first meet
- but after seeing you again he realized his feelings never left
- even when you were gone he thought about you
- but when he realized his feeling, it was definitely when you came back
- you were the only teacher he found bearable
- he found your nature relaxing, he felt he could tell you anything without judgement
- he was in love with you

when he asks you out
- he didn't know when was the right time
- so he just said fuck it and asked you out while you were having a conversation with him
- it wasn't special but you were happy he did it
- "will you go out with me?" he asked you cut you midway of your sentence
- you chuckled
- "i thought you'd never ask"
- you leaned in to kiss his cheek
- he turned bright pink
- you teased him about it

first kiss
- you tried hinting him that you wanted a kiss
- he was busy either smoking, grading papers, or in his library checking that every book was in order
- so he never had time for you
- it didn't bother you that he was busy but sometimes you had needs
- so there you where looking at him working on his papers
- you looked like a predator about to hunt their preys
- "tsuchigomori~" you teased
- "hmm" he simply replied not even giving you a glance
- "tsuchi~"
- he froze, you've never given him a nickname so he was simply surprised
- he slowly looked up and that's when you took your chance
- you pulled him into a long firm kiss
- this did startled him but not long after he kissed back
- "wow" was his response

when you guys cuddled
- it would be at your home since you guys can't cuddle at school
- you'd lay on his chest, he'd wrap his arm around you
- you'd both fall asleep
- but unfortunately it doesn't last long since his arm would fall asleep and you'd guys have to switch positions
- this time he'd wrap his arm around your waist you being the little spoon
- it'd be peaceful...for only 30 minutes
- "my arm's falling asleep again"
- you sighed
- "okay you know what— turn around"
- he was confused but he still followed along
- you wrapped your arms around his waist now making him the little spoon
- "there now your arm won't fall asleep"

first time making out
- again it was in your house
- he'd come back from work and just went over to you
- "hey—"
- you didn't even have time to greet him since he immediately went in for a kiss
- he missed you so much, he wanted nothing but you
- that's when he deepened the kiss
- no hesitation you wrapped your arms around his neck
- he'd push you again the nearest wall
- "i've...missed you...so much" he'd say in between the kiss
- you just smiled
- he'd deepen the kiss more by adding tongue
- it was getting heated
- hands grabbing needly
- desperate for more
- he'd start moaning softly
- then the doorbell ring
- you guys were so caught up in the moment you forgot about delivery
- it was awkward at first since you guys never done something like that
- but it was nice

who's older
- you guys were close call
(a/n: i actually don't know his age, it says 50+ but i don't know since he's a supernatural and most are like over 100 so i don't know his exact age but we'll make him older
- you were supposed to be around your late 60s
- but he's older
- you considered him older since he was a teacher before you

a/n: okay so now explanation as to why you're still young and not old, to be honest i wanted to make this character a supernatural as well but i didn't know if i should make her a demon but i was like nah i need something different so i said maybe witch but i don't know if they have witches in this universe

the story was in 1971 you were on your way home but got into an accident and was brought back to life


you were killed but surprise bitch you're a witch so you were back

i honestly don't know what to do with this character maybe give me ideas please 🥺

ᴛᴏɪʟᴇᴛ-ʙᴏᴜɴᴅ ʜᴀɴᴀᴋᴏ-ᴋᴜɴ sᴄᴇɴᴀʀɪᴏs Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon