~ nicknames ~

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Amane Yugi
Hanako's nicknames for you:
- dear
- pumpkin
- pebble
- he'd give you sweet nicknames, cheesy old ones since he's an old soul

nicknames you give him:
- old man
- dummy
- bubby
- perv
- you called him loving ones too but these are the ones you used the most

Yashiro Nene
Yashiro's nicknames for you:
- cookie
- angel
- beautiful
- again sweet ones and calling you beautiful, gorgeous since she looks up to you and your beauty

nicknames you give her:
- baby
- nene(this already sounds like a nickname 💀)
- bubs
- sweets one, you'd treat her like a baby almost

Minamoto Kou
Kou's nicknames for you
- gorgeous/handsome
- beautiful
- buttercup
- just names that compliment your beauty

nicknames you give him:
- sexy
- hot stuff
- baby
- you give him some that flustered him since his reactions were so cute

Minamoto Teru
Teru's nickname for you
- love
- angel face(even though you're no where near an angel)
- dummy

nicknames you give him:
- handsome(he'd blush with this one)
- hot lips
- daddy
- you give him cute ones in public but when you're in private these are the ones you call him
(a/n: it was originally papi but i think daddy is better OvO)

Aoi Akane
Akane's nicknames for you
- princess/prince
- shorty
- my love
- he'd treat you like royalty, but sometimes would tease you

nicknames you give him:
- babes
- glasses
- hot cakes(he'd get flustered
- since he teased you, you did as well

Yugi Tsukasa
Tsukasa's nicknames for you
- darlin'
- kiddo
- num nums
- some adorable nicknames

nicknames you give him:
- smiles
- cuddles(because he loves cuddles)
- twinkle toes(just to tease him)
- you were awkward with nicknames since you hated the cheesy ones so you were limited

Nanamine Sakura
Sakura's nicknames for you
- baby
- love
- kitten
- since she was the dom O_O  she gave you more subby nicknames

nicknames you give her:
- gorgeous
- bunny
- peach
- you'd feel embarrassed to call her sexy

Hyuuga Natsuhiko
Natsuhiko's nicknames for you
- sexy
- sugar lips
- puddin'
- he'd like to embarrass you by calling you sexy or other flirty nicknames

nicknames you give him:
- punkin' butt
- romeo(when he's acting cheesy)
- dork
- he actually liked his nicknames

Mitsuba Sousuke
Mitsuba's nicknames for you
- mommy
- peaches
- tum tums
- he's baby so...

nicknames you give him:
- baby boy
- pinky(his clothes and hair)
- love
- he was just so adorable you couldn't help it

Tsuchigomori's nicknames for you
- honey
- kiddo
- hon'
- the cheesy married couple nicknames

nicknames you give him:
- old man
- tsuchi
- spidey
- you'd give him cute nicknames and teasing ones as well

(a/n: i wanna know who's read the manga or not before i give spoilers because i almost spoiled something 💀)

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