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Hey! So thank you for choosing my story

I've had to rewrite this many times now so you get a half assed one now

First- I don't have a defined posting schedule because I do have a life outside of this. I'll try to post often, but like I said I do have other things in my life. So please be respectful about that.

Second- if you don't see the triggers I put at the top of the chapters, please do not complain. It's there for your safety and I'm addressing it now just in case. So just please look to see if there are any triggers before you read on. They are typically Extremely hard to miss.

Third. I you don't like the ship or don't like homosexual relationships just leave please. Or as I would say fuck off. Only because I put a lot of effort into my stories. I don't need the hate of that on my work. However I do take some criticism!

Anygays! Thank you for choosing the story! And I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it!

Kai ❤️

I Had it All - Kagehina Where stories live. Discover now