{[chapter one]} ǝɥs

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finley strolled into the cafeteria as always, hoping that maybe this time she wouldn't have to sit alone. her only in-person friend didn't go to that school, and the people who did were total jerks. which made the brunette sit alone in the corner of the room.

she didn't even get a lunch table. she sat on the ledge that held up the windows. the disrespect.

finley sighed after scanning the room and trotted over to her normal spot. she silently munched on her cheese pizza as she scrolled through tiktok. after a while the girl got sick of the greasy school food that would most definitely poison her and threw it in the dumpster. finley then grabbed her phone and went outside to the park benches near the trees.

she opened discord and immediately went to her server. she @d the social pings role and joined a random vc. fairly quickly, two of her good online friends joined the call. she smiled as their usernames "Hallow_Trees and "KadeTheWeirdo" appeared under hers, "your-local-dumpster-fish."

"hey fin! what's up?" kade greeted her. "the sky," hallow replied for the introverted teenager. "wow hallow, creative as always," finley said with a laugh.

"anyway," she continued, "i'm in school right now and i'm on my lunch break."

"ooooh that makes sense," kade mocked, earning a grunt from finley.

"that's our antisocial sever owner!" hallow said. you could hear the smile in her voice, indicating she was playing around, but finley decided to go with it.

"wow, i'm so hurt. i could ban you guys you know," she taunted.

"you wouldn't dare, you love us too much~" kade giggled and sent a thumbs up in chat as hallow talked.

finley laughed as well and continued the bit. "well, i wouldn't say that, but whatever helps you sleep at night." you could basically hear the ";)" in that sentence.

"i can never sleep until i'm reunited with the love of my life, jeminiah... rest in piece my love..." finley had created a minecraft server for the one on discord, and on it robin, another friend, had a villager farm. when hallow came to visit she immediately fell in love with a farmer when he sold potatoes and named him jeminiah. she had forgotten to close the door to the enclosure and a zombie came in. it was thankfully killed before too much damage could be done, but it immediately went for jeminiah, and robin had killed the farmer when they were getting rid of the zombies accidentally, which broke hallow's heart.

"oh my god hallow, jeminiah's dead, do you wanna join him?" kade turned oh his camera and pointed a nerf gun at the screen, his shaggy black hair not doing well at hiding his menacing grin.

"kade... put the gun down..." finley said threateningly.

"no." well, that was a bust.

"yeah never mind hallow is super annoying kill her."

"WAIT WHAT NO PLEASE SPARE ME-" aaand it was time to go back inside. time really does fly by when you're having fun.

"that's my cue to leave, cya guys! start writing your will hallow! byeeeee~" she left the vc and walked back into the prison we call school.


finley sighed as she sat on the ledge as always. it was just plain uncomfortable. but it beat sitting with some pervert jocks or bratty bitches. she was about to go outside when she noticed a super tall boy approaching her.

he had light brown messy hair that swooped over his face, an extremely tall and thin build(like how tall WAS this guy?! 6'4? 6'5?!), a galaxy hoodie, and a sort of awkwardness to him. like he was being forced to walk up to her and strike up a conversation. eh, who would willingly talk to a girl wearing a collared dress shirt at that school?

"hiya, so uh, i saw that you've been sitting alone every day, and uh, i was wondering if you wanted to, uh, sit at my table maybe?" yep, definitely forced. buuuuuuut, she couldn't pass down an offer to finally sit at a lunch table.

"sure, why not. i'm finley, and if you're hitting on me, i'm not into dating right now." his face got flushed and he stuttered, trying to find words, which made finley giggled at the affect it had.

"i'm just messing with ya, let's go skyscraper," she said while walking back to his table. he just sighed, probably regretting his decision to walk up to her.

"so, i'm ranboo, nice to meet you finley," the boy said, trying to make conversation.

"oh that's a unique name," finley commented with a slight tilt of her head, kinda like a minecraft dog. she didn't know why she did that, she just started randomly one day and it stuck.

"yep, my parents wanted it to be special, but they just ended up looking at a random thing and changing it up a bit. they saw my mom's rainbow necklace and thought, 'hmm.. rainbow, ranbow, ranboo!' and then it was official."

"what an origin story," she said with a laugh, "my parents just came up with a semi-unique name for me. yours is super cool."

"ah thanks!" he smiled.

"quick question: who forced you to talk to me?" his face went bright red as he was taken aback.

"i, uh, well, my friend, uh, dared me, and uh, his name is toby? you uh don't know him, heheh, but you actually seem better than i thought you'd be! not that i uh, thought you'd be bad or anything, just how you were all alone i thought maybe-"

finley laughed as she cut him off. "it's okay, quit you're rambling, i don't really care. i'm glad you came up to me, that ledge was not ideal."

"yep. i kinda am too," ranboo said with a ever-so-slight smile. just as he was about to start talking again the warning bell run, signalling it was time to get going to class. finley quickly took out her mini notebook that she kept on her and wrote her number on it, tearing it out afterwards.

"here, you don't seem all that bad. see you later, cosmos." and with that, she handed the paper to the surprised boy in a galaxy hoodie and walked off.


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*cosmos* // ranboo x oc //Where stories live. Discover now