{[chapter three]} ʇou

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"what color eyes do you have?" finley asked. she was allowed one question, that was it. she was usually great at remembering people's eye colors, but for some reason, she couldn't remember ranboo's.

"i genuinely do not know. like grayish-greenish-blueish? yeah, just a muted neutral green blue." how could he not know his own eye color?? eh, fin barely remembered what name she told the starbucks lady for her order.

"fun fact: only two percent of people have green eyes, and it's a human mutation. so you're pretty rare, cosmos."

"oh wow, you're right!-"

"as always," fin cut off ranboo, causing him to wheeze.

"you sound just like my one friend, he's a brit and he's so he's chaotic and loud, sometimes i wonder if he's just a tall twelve year old.

"he honestly probably is, with modern technology you never know these days. your next door neighbor who you thought was an only lady that ran the pet shelter could be a banana eating alcoholic monkey! who knows!!"

"pffffft- haha! y-you okay-?" he spit out between laughs.

"not even in the slightest. anyway my next question-" cut off by more laughs. it was contagious, and soon she found herself laughing along.

"don't worry, a couple years in an insane asylum should clear it right up like on-the-spot creme with zits."

"you know what, i'm just not even going to question it finley. why do i feel like this isn't the first time you've brought up this subject." damn, no need to call her out ranboo.

"well aNyWaY- i think i'm done with the drawing!" they were gonna show each other the next day, which just couldn't come fast enough. it was already 10:30- wait how was it that late? they were talking for so many hours, holy crap. as if on cue, fin's moms came through the door.

"oh my moms are home, sorry i gotta go! see ya later cosmos."

"buh bye fin! thanks for talking with me!" she felt a smile creep onto her face.

"of course. talk to you tomorrow, byeeee!" and with that, she pressed the end call button and walked downstairs.

her moms were back from a night at a fancy restaurant. they both had work off that day and wanted to spend it with each other. they were, of course, pretty tipsy.

"heyyy finley!! how are you sweet pea?" her mother asked.

"could you bring us a bottle of red honey?" her mom interrupted. she just laughed and went downstairs to where they kept the alcohol. when she returned, her parents were at it with each other, so she just set it at the table and walked off to her room.

no, they weren't alcoholics, they rarely got drunk. it was just a special occasion, don't freak out, readers.

finley was very grateful that her parents were in love. she knew that so many people out there had divorced parents or parents who were only together for their sake, so she was extremely appreciative of the fact that they actually loved each other.

when fin got upstairs she flopped onto the bed, thinking of what to do. she already hung up on ranboo, and it would've been weird to call him again. she was really socially anxious and didn't want to hurt their friendship-in-progress.

she scanned her room, searching for something to do with this leisure time, when she spotted a familiar stringed instrument in the corner.

finley picked up the guitar and plucked each string, testing its tuning. she cringed when she strings sounded like dying birds and pulled up a tuner app on her phone. she quickly tuned them and smiled in satisfactory when they made a beautiful sound strummed.

fin started strumming random cords and messing around a bit on it. she loved making mini songs when she still played and still remembered some of those tunes. she was really getting into it, jamming out like crazy when she heard her cat, milo, clawing at her door. fin opened the door for the calico cat, petting him and smiling at him.

people always stress over if they like boys or girls or whoever they like.

why not just like cats?

milo hopped on finley's lap and headbutted her for attention. she smiled and pet the small cat, enjoying his presence. she put down her guitar and since she was already changed into more comfy clothes, curled up in her bed like her cat curled up next to her. finley gently stroked milo as she drifted off into a comfortable sleep.


"HOLY SHIT THAT HORSE HAS A BOW TIE!!" she screamed as she bolted up, startled awake by the beeping of her alarm. finley sighed and turned it off, yawning and getting out of bed. milo was disturbed by the sudden loud noise, but quickly fell back asleep, like cats do.

finley threw together a random outfit, messing with it a bit before becoming satisfied with the thin sweater, white turtle neck, gray jeans and a gold necklace. she brushed out her thick hair and applied some light makeup, not putting much effort into it. she then grabbed her book bag and jammed her sketchbook into the cluttered thing, prepared to get the drawing totally wrong. she grabbed her phone and earbuds, shuffling an indie rock playlist she loved.

she threw her book bag over her shoulder and put a piece of toast in the toaster. when it was ready, she smothered it in butter and chomped down(oh come on, get your head out of the gutter). since it was fall finley put on her coat and high tops, trudging out the door into the chilly air.

a couple people in her neighborhood were all gathered around the cul de sac, waiting for their bus. finley joined the group of about four and as the rest of them chatted, she just scrolled through pinterest. finally the bus pulled up and they all got on. the ride was long and exhausting, but against all odds, they made it to the school alive.

frisk high school. where the motto is "we are always determined to excel!" let's just say, that motto wasn't exactly true.

finley had fifteen minutes to spare before class started. she texted ranboo,  asking him where he was. he was outside on one of the benches in the field. she opened the rusty double metal doors and trudged through the chilly autumn air. she spotted ranboo on what looked to be an oak bench under a beautiful maple tree. finley spent a lot of time outside with her mother, learning all about the wilderness, so she could easily distinguish trees.

ranboo waved with a slight smile as she returned it and sat down next to the tall boy. before he could say another word, she took out her sketchbook and showed him the portrait.


another cliffhanger, i'm so evil and unique /s

one more thing i forgot to add in the a/n that i'm too lazy to go back and edit: ik ranboo has a dog, but i'm barely gonna write about him since he won't really contribute to the plot :P

hippity hoppity your views are now my property

1188 words

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